Jyp rookies pt 12

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3/3 subunits

*Key Pov*
I was surprised seeing Rin on stage with Jessy, Bo Na, and Hyekyung we all really thought she got the spot with Sohee "okay we need to make this quick so we can prepare for the result show" IU said and we all stood there anticipating for the results, seeing Rin made me nervous but if she wasn't picked I prayed for it spot be Hyekyung or Jessy with Hyunwoo they were the younger members of the group so a concept would be easy for them. "The choice for the girls was rather easy but the guys it wasn't, this girl has really proven herself fought through pain, and went over her comfort zone and still looked professional, and the male no one really knew about until the subunit competition he was able to prove his talent and break out from the shadows  congratulations Jae and Rin we know this is the right choice, and you won't let us down" Jay park said and the both of them went wide eyed the girls all cheered we stood there clapping and laughing girls always over reacted.

*Rin pov*
I walked over to hug Jae and he pointed at his cheek and I laughed pushing his head away causing him to laugh also I was happy one of my close friends were the ones I got to be in a subunit with, whether it was Jae or Key I knew I would be able to work well and be comfortable with them.

Represents Jae and RinPicture of B

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Represents Jae and Rin
Picture of B.i.g Benji and a back up dancer from song between night n' music

*Jae pov*

I was so happy to be in a subunit with Rin it was like AKMU from YG and they are very popular so I prayed we would be popular and win awards together also. The show ended and we all walked back stage, and decided to celebrate together "I'm so happy we're working together" Rin smiled and so did I "Rin you got a subunit!!!" Sohee cheered running and hugging Rin like best friends would do after not seeing each other after a year "I'm so proud of you!" She smiled and Rin thanked her "okay guys it's time to head back, Rin and Sohee my assistant will be driving you back everyone else the vans lets go" JYP said and Jinhee looked confused.

"Sohee pov*
"Ahh Hyunwoo can I talk to you now please?" I asked and he let out a sigh, when we get back to the dorms we will talk okay not right now" he said and got in the van "Sohee come on!" Rin waved me over and I let out a sigh as we got in the car. "Let's go" the assistant drove ahead leading the cars but he started to speed a bit "sir slow down it's only a 80 zone and your going 110 that's highway speed" Rin called out and I got a little worried "Yah! Slow down!" I called out tapping his shoulder, we looked ahead as the light turned red, the assistant slammed his breaks causing him to lose control of the car "Sohee ah!" Was the last thing I heard.

*Hyunwoo pov*
We watched as the girls car started to speed down the road towards the lights and I worried as it turned red. "Rin-ah! Sohee!" We all yelled watching the car flip twice than go into the rail on its side "stay In the car call 911!"JYP called and jumped out of the car I couldn't believe what I saw Sohee and Rin unconscious and covered in blood even the assistant "this can't be happening" Jae said his voice shaking.

Officially excited to write the next couple chapters
(Sorry if it wasn't as good as intended)

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