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*Keys Pov*

We waved goodbye to Somi and Momo, and walked back to the dorm, Rin was walking linking arms with JJ it hurt a little but not much, "Ya! Oppa! Can we hang out tomorrow we never get to hang out" She whined and I let out a smile "Ani, We have to pra...

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We waved goodbye to Somi and Momo, and walked back to the dorm, Rin was walking linking arms with JJ it hurt a little but not much, "Ya! Oppa! Can we hang out tomorrow we never get to hang out" She whined and I let out a smile "Ani, We have to practice if we want to beat you guys" I said and she let out a pout "Aish why do you have to practice tomorrow? Can't you practice today, than again After we're done hanging out?" she asked and I let out a sigh, being the leader i had to be responsible, but she knew that too, "I'll hang out with you after we practice okay?" I said and she nodded her head with a smile. I looked over at Jae who looked  a bit upset but I tried not to notice for now until Rin was gone.

"OPPA!" Rin yelled as Dylan walked out of the JYP building "Rin" He laughed and she stopped right in front of him "Want to hang out with Key oppa and I tomorrow?" She asked and I let out a sigh, I wanted it to be just us two, but What ever made her happy I guess, Dylan looked over at me and I could tell he was about to say no till he looked back at her smiling face "Sure" He said and I rolled my eyes "Yay, Key oppa Dylan's going to hang out with us too" She smiled hugging his arm and I faked a smile and nodded my head. "Well the girls are probably waiting for me annyeong" She waved and walked back into the building.

"Seriously?" I said and Dylan looked at me "You could have said no" I added and Dylan just shrugged his shoulders "I was going to but she looked happy" He said "You could have made an excuse" I said "Okay lets go Jae" JJ said and they both walked into the building and I followed behind as Dylan turned to leave "YAH! Where are you going we have to practice" I yelled "I was going to get something to eat" He said and I grabbed his wrist and dragged him back inside "Or I'll starve" He sighed.

*Hyekyungs Pov*

"Ya Unnie where were you?" Sohee asked, I laughed at her asking because she also just got here "Ah I was with Somi and Momo we went out to eat with Key, Jae, and JJ Oppa" She said and Sohee nodded "Hows my sister, I went to see her after not seeing her for a month, and J-hope Oppa told me you went out with her" She said and Rins eyes went wide "Ah I'm sorry I didn't know you were going to see her, I wasn't even going to but Momo told me to come" Sohee smiled and sat back down "It's okay shes my sister I can see her any day" she smiled "Okay so are we ready to practice?" Raejoon asked and we all nodded our heads and began to practice. I looked over and saw Rin who's head looked like it was in the clouds, she didn't look like she was there with us, and Jessy nudged her "what?" "Are you okay? You never mess up, and you look like your head is somewhere else" Bo Na said, and Rin shook her head "Ani I'm okay" She smiled giving us a thumbs up, and Sohee's eyes narrowed as she walked up to her "You're going on a date aren't you?" she asked and Rins face went a bright pink "ANI!" She said shaking her hands "Key Oppa and I are just going to hang out and Dylan Oppa is coming too" She said still shaking her hands and Sohee let out a laugh "You can't date anyways with out your uncles permission cause of the contract we signed, saying that within our first 3 years we can't date, and we have to focus our first three years on our Career" She said and Rin nodded looking slightly disappointed.

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