Boys Practise

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(Again pretend in the video here is 6, Using A.Cain's Ouch as their Competition song)
Note in this story its different from kpop roles. Lead dancer, lead rapper and lead singer are known as the best singers, dancers and rappers of their groups. Instead of main.

*Key's POV*

"The girls are really good Key we have to practice" JJ said and I nodded my head in agreement "Well It's a good thing I was named lead dancer" KH laughed and I flashed him a confused look "Well while you guys were fooling around, bugging the girls, taking breaks, I stayed here and focused on dancing" He said and we all gathered around "So show us what you got KH" I said. Dylan walked over and played the music while KH showed us the moves to the song even using our backup dancers.

"Damn Hyung, We are going to win Part 1 of the competition for sure!" Hyunwoo smiled, "Okay now lets go we need to learn this and memorize it in the next week!" I yelled, KH put us in our positions and worked with us one on one. After an hour of practices the door opened "Ya! Rin if your coming to spy on us I-" I got cut off after seeing JYP "Ah Hyung" I bowed and so did the others "Annyeong, Dylan can I see you for a bit, Guys keep practicing" He said and walked out with Dylan.

I walked to the group who watched Dylan walk out "Did he do something wrong?" Jae asked and I shook my head "Ani, he's been with us all day" I said and they all nodded. "Okay Jae your turn come on" KH said as he worked with Jae.

After 2 hours Kh had worked with all of us and we were able to work together and build as a team "Sorry guys, are we good, I see were all working together now" Dylan smiled as he walked in "What did hyung want?" I asked "Ahh Rin and I have just been asked to shoot a CF for Sprite, he said we were the money makers for our group, so doing CF's, Modeling, Dramas, Movies Etc" He said "Whoa amazing good job!" JJ smiled "Thanks so we ready to work now?" Dylan asked and we nodded our heads and got to work.

After an hour we were finally getting better a few mistakes here and there but not as much as before, KH still had to work with some of us one on one but it was getting better.

*Jae's POV*
I can admit hearing that my Hyung was filming a CF with Rin hurt a little, I had a crush on her that none of the group members knew about, she matched my ideal type perfectly. "Knock Knock!" I heard a fimilar voice say, I looked to the door and saw Rin pop her head in and look at us all "Ya Nuna!" Hyunwoo smiled while opening the door and closing it behind her "I'm not interrupting am I?" She asked and Dylan shook his head "Aniyo, we were just taking a break" He smiled and she crossed her arms "What's with the formal talk were friends aren't we" She laughed and he blushed putting his head down "Ya! You're so cute" She smiled while nudging him and seeing her do that hurt even more.

"Jae Oppa!" I looked at Rin as she walked towards me i stopped in the middle of my push up and looked up at her "Why are you all alone over here why aren't you with your Hyungs?" She asked and I let out a fake yawn, "I was bored so I came over her...

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"Jae Oppa!" I looked at Rin as she walked towards me i stopped in the middle of my push up and looked up at her "Why are you all alone over here why aren't you with your Hyungs?" She asked and I let out a fake yawn, "I was bored so I came over here to exercise" I smiled "Ahh Mianhae" She said and I looked at her, "Ani, don't say sorry" I smiled "Ya Oppa, Get some rest after okay" She smiled and hugged me than walked back to the others, I didn't know if I was the only one she called oppa, but it made me feel important, but if she called everyone oppa, than I wouldn't feel too important. I couldn't even confess to her, She was her Groups leader, and to her I was probably just the guy with the Visuals. I let out a sigh and laid on the ground to actually rest and forget everything.

*Dylan's Pov*

"Ya! You're so cute" She smiled and nudged me, Why was she acting like this, usually she would pick on me, tease me, annoy me, but all of a sudden a compliment, Did the girls send her over here to distract us, or did she just come on her free will "Dylan can I talk to you?" She asked and we walked to the far corner "Whats up?" She looked at me and her eyes looked broken, and I became concerned "How can I trust them?" "Whats going on?" I asked leaning down to her height and put my hands on her shoulders "Jessy, or Sohee, told my secret about Jyp being my uncle, I told them it was a secret and that I'd tell the others when I was ready, but Bo Na asked me about it, and I asked who told her and she looked toward Jessy and Sohee, I don't want to believe that it was either of them, I want to believe that she over heard a conversation, but I know that she didn't" She looked at up me with tears in her eyes, I pulled her in for a hug knowing she must be hurt, even though it wasn't a big deal, trust was a big thing for her and she want's to have a strong bond with everyone in JYP "Do you want me to talk to them?" I asked and she nodded her head

I sat her down on the bench with Key, and walked to the girls room "Sohee, Jessy come here", The girls looked at eachother than walked out to the hall and I leaned against the wall "Who told?" I asked and they gave me confused looked "Who told Bo Na about Jyp and Rin?" I asked again and Jessy's face went pail as Sohee looked at her "So you didn't do it Sohee?" I asked and she shook her head "Why did you?" I said turning my attention to Jessy "I didn't mean to It just slipped up because Bo Na said she might be getting kicked out of JYP so it angered me and it just slipped, I really didn't mean to" She said with a panic "Well I think you guys should tell Rin that okay? Because shes upset, thinking that you guys broke your promise, and she fells like she lost trust in you, so you should talk to her" I said and Jessy teared up and nodded her head "It's okay Jessy, Rin will understand it will be okay" She smiled and they followed me to the practice room to Rin.

I watched as they all talked and Rin gave Jessy a tight hug and smiled at me and I knew everything was going to be alright. The girls left and I looked over seeing Jae in the corner sleeping "Shocker right" Hyunwoo laughed "Wake him up" I said and he walked over and jumped on Jae "HYUNG WAKE UP!" He yelled in his ear, I stood and watched as Jae reached over and pushed Hyunwoo to the ground and I let out a laugh "Yah! Hyung!" Hyunwoo yelled at me as I laughed "That's why none of us ever wake up Jae" I laughed as Hyunwoo glared at me and walked back to the others to practice.

I stood beside Jae and kicked his feet "Jae wake up" I said and he let out a groan and sat up "resting didn't work" He said and I gave him a confused look "Rin came, Hyung I really like her, but she looks like she more interested in you or Key and looks to me as just a brother" He said and my eyes went wide, Jae likes Rin, and Key likes Rin, and I don't know where I stand with Rin. Was Rin going to be the new Suzy in JYP? "Girls are hard to figure out Jae, Rin isn't easy to read, so just keep your head up" I said and dragged him back over to start practicing, because tomorrow Rin and I had to shoot our first CF.

Short Chapter

I know its bad, but it is just the beginning, and I'm also writing this while half asleep because I wont be able to update tomorrow sorry

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