Happy birthday Unnie!

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*Hyekyung pov*
I woke up early in the morning to get down to the practice room and see everyone there, it was my 15th birthday and I was so excited cause I was closer to Jessy's age she's 16, Rin is 17 Bo Na is 18 and Raejoon is 19. I walked in expecting to hear happy birthday Unnie like usual but nothing, it's like I wasn't even in the room or like everyone forgot?
"Okay good Hyekyung is here so I liked your guys sexy concept but I want to add a cute concept with it" Rin said and we all looked at her confused "how can you mash cute and sexy together?" Bo Na asked and Rin rolled her eyes, "easy Sexy dance but cute outfits" she smiled as Sohee rolled in a cart. "Omg animal onesies!!!" Jessy smiled and Rin nodded her head as she grabbed the panda one "this one is mine I already called it when Jinhee and I picked them out" Rin said holding the panda onesie.
I grabbed the kangaroo, Raejoon grabbed the tiger, Jessy grabbed the shark, Bo Na grabbed the cow, and all that was left was the alligator "i guess I'll wear this" Sohee said with a sigh "awwww Unnie it's okay you will look cute" Jessy smiled and I let out a sigh, because of being busy with the competition they really did forget my birthday...

*Raejoon pov*

I looked over at Jessy and pushed her towards Hyekyung causing Hyekyung to grab her to she didn't fall and Jessy nodded "Unnie lets go buy new dance shoes huh?" Jessy asked pulling Hyekyung out of the studio as we all let out a sigh of relief, the...

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I looked over at Jessy and pushed her towards Hyekyung causing Hyekyung to grab her to she didn't fall and Jessy nodded "Unnie lets go buy new dance shoes huh?" Jessy asked pulling Hyekyung out of the studio as we all let out a sigh of relief, the guys all walked out of the closet and Rin looked down the hall "we're clear" she said and we all ran to the big practice room, we put down the cake Sohee and Rin made and decorated. I touched my pockets to look for my wallet than remembered Bora had it, I looked around not seeing her or Jae "where are they?" I whispered and got a ping on my phone, I looked down seeing a withdraw from my card for 200,000 won "are you serious!" I yelled and everyone looked at me I got on my phone and called bora "YAH HOW COULD YOU SPEND MONEY ON MY CARD! WHAT DID YOU SPEND 200,000 ON?!?" I yelled in Korean than hit my head she wouldn't understand me "Yah Raejoon your friend doesn't speak Korean relax okay we will be back soon Kay byeeee" Jae said than hung up the phone, why did they use my card for what ever it was instead of Jae's...
We all put our presents on the other table. "We have pizza, chicken wings, pop, juice, water, music party hats and noise makers, we need to decorate" Rin smiled and we all looked away how could we have forgotten decorations "you guys forgot" Rin said looking a bit disappointed "looking for something?" We turned our heads as Jae and Bora walked in with party decorations "oh my god you guys are the best!" Rin smiled hugging them and we all tore into the bags blowing up balloons hanging streamers and a happy birthday banner. And had tiny hand held confetti cannons for when she came in. "So this is what you spent my money on" I laughed and bora smiled.

*Jae pov*
"Bora do you remember ever seeing them buy decorations for the party?" I asked and she stood there to think "no, we should go do that I have Raejoons wallet cause she asked me to hold it come on" she smiled grabbing my wrist as we ran to a party store, we walked in and bora filled the cart with streamers, balloons, confetti, a banner, lights to hang and everything an amazing party would have "that comes to 200,000 won$" the cashier said and Bora paid with Raejoons card "and 5,4,3,2,1" Raejoons phone rang and all you could hear was Raejoon on the other end "YAH HOW COULD YOU SPEND MONEY ON MY CARD! WHAT DID YOU SPEND 200,000 ON?!?" She yelled but Bora just stood there not understanding Korean, I guess Raejoon was getting used to Korean "here let me talk" I smiled taking the phone "Yah Raejoon your friend doesn't speak Korean relax okay we will be back soon Kay byeeeeee" I hung up the phone and Bora looked over at me "she was just wondering why you used her card is all" I smiled and she smiled back.
We got outside and saw Hyekyung and Jessy walking out "you went shopping?" Hyekyung asked and we hid the bags behind us "yup Bo Na said she has hungry but we didn't know what she wanted to eat so we just bought a lot of different foods" I said and we ran inside, I let out a sigh of relief because that was close.
We reached the room and saw Rin looking disappointed "you guys forgot?" She said and everyone looked at each other "looking for something?" I asked walking in and Rins eyes went wide she ran over and hugged the both of us "oh my god you guys are the best!" She said and we started to decorate.

*Hyunwoo pov*
Sohee and I were blowing up the balloons and it was fun we were able to talk and really just hangout the two of us "so did you like our small group performance?" She asked I threw my half blown up balloon at her and she did the same, why was she asking such a stupid question I hugged her after did I not, which meant I obviously liked it "Yeah stop wasting time we need to get this done before Jessy gets back with Hyekyung!" Bo Na called out making us laugh, since when was she serious over something. "You never answered my question" she said and I looked over at her "you already know my answer" I sighed blowing up the balloon "I know from your actions but not your words" she said and I narrowed my eyes at her as she smiled "okay yes I liked your performance happy" I said and she smiled nodding her head "so what's your concept for the group one?" I asked but she didn't answer me "wow okay so you're not going to tell me?" I asked and she shook her head "fine" I sighed as we both kept blowing up the balloons.

*Hyekyung pov*
Jessy was on the phone talking to Rin as we were walking into the building, we didn't even get the shoes like Jessy wanted we just walked around, my 15th birthday and they all forgot, they celebrated my 14th with me but why not my 15th? "Let's go to the big practice room they are all in there" Jessy said and I faked a smile and nodded my head, we walked in and turned on the light "SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled while blasting handheld confetti cannons "you guys remembered" I smiled "of course we did, why do u think we told Jessy to take you out" Raejoon laughed and I smiled. "Who made the cake?" I asked and Sohee and Rins hands shot up "Sohee made it I decorated it" Rin smiled "it's so cute" I smiled.
We all sat around eating cake, pizza, chicken and candy, while I opened my presents, spending my birthday with these 11 weirdos was the best thing I could ever ask for they have really taken care of me since day one, and everyone of them Really grew on me as JYP family.

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