JYP Rookies pt 10

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There are going too be 3 subunits this is just the first one
Three short chapters

*Sohee pov*
"Where is she we have to go?!" Rin yelled running from room to room "Rin come on we have to go!" Jessy called out and Rin looked annoyed and disappointed this wasn't like Raejoon at all "who knows maybe she's already at the arena" Hyekyung said and Rin let out a sigh "I'll text her to meet us there" and with that we all got in the Vans "how could she do this she knows we have our show today for the subunit reveal, if she gets chosen and doesn't show up the fans are not going to be impressed they will claim that she doesn't deserve it" Bo Na said and Rin was completely zoned out.

*Bo Na pov*
We reached the arena and Rin ran out right away "UNNIE!" She called out running around having the staff all watching her weirdly "Where is she we have to go in costume, get our hair and everything done before we go out what is she thinking?!" Rin had her hands on her head and started pacing back and forth "girls come on it's time to get ready" our stylist called out "we can't she's not here!!" Sohee called out and our stylist looked at us "where's Raejoon?" She asked and we all looked at each other we had no idea, she wasn't there when we woke up and she's still not here..

*Raejoon pov*
"Aish your so annoying" I sighed pushing Seungri a bit causing him to smile "so what are you and the other girls doing today?" He asked and I tried to think "well I'm here with you the girls are at the- OH MY GOD!" I yelled shooting up completely ruining the moment "what?" He asked standing up grabbing my hand "the rookie show is today I'm going to be late Ahhhh Rin and JYP are going to be so disappointed in me!!!" I said starting to panic. "What are you waiting for lets go!" Seungri grabbed my arm and pulled me toward his car and we got in I couldn't believe that I forgot..

*Hykyung pov*
We got handed our mics and Rin continued to look around "she's really not coming" Jessy sighed and so did the rest of us as we all walked out we stood there the five of us and JYP looked confused "where's Raejoon?" He asked and we all looked away "Ajussi we don't know, she's wasn't there when we woke up..." She said and he let out a sigh "okay well we have to continue" he said and Rin nodded in understanding "now the way these subunits are going to be are, two girls, two guys, one guy with a girl" when Jay park said that we all looked at each other so 3 members wouldn't be in a subunit which made us nervous "I want to know who you think the two girls and the single girl are" Amber said and we all looked at each other "I'd say Bo Na and Hykyung" Sohee said and we all nodded and they looked surprised "solo Sohee" Hyekyung said and their expressions didn't change.

*Jessy pov*
I looked toward the stage and saw a shadow and heard running "RAEJOON!" I called out and waved her on stage "I'm here sorry!!" She said but the judges never acknowledged her "we decided to let the fans decide for the pair subunit but we decided on the male/female" IU said and we nodded "so right now we're are only mentioning one to you guys......Congratulations Sohee and Raejoon...... And Raejoon I do not want to see you coming in late again your fans are counting on you and with being voted Into a subunit by your fans you owe it to them" JYP said "Mianhae" she bowed and we all walked off.

*Rin pov*
I was a little hurt that I wasn't put in the subunit with Sohee or Jessy but there was still the male/female unit and I can only pray that I proved myself worthy enough to take that spot. "I'm proud of you Sohee you really deserve it" I smiled hugging her and she smiled back "Unnie where were you" Jessy asked and Raejoon looked down "Mianhae, I completely forgot about today, I was with Seungri cause it was his day off and I rarely get to spend time with him" she said and anger filled me a bit "Seriously you put the image of our group in the line to see Seungri oppa? Raejoon our debut is just around the corner we can't be taking fan risks like this I don't want it to happen again" Bo Na said surprising me and Raejoon nodded her head. "Let's go it's not going to take long for them to tell the guys.

 "Let's go it's not going to take long for them to tell the guys

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Sorry about the bad chapter

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