Jyp rookies part 7

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Tight long sleeve shirt- Raejoon
Short sleeve shirt- Rin
Baggy long sleeve shirt- Bo Na
Guy- Got7 Yugyeom

*Bo Na pov*
"Are you sure your comfortable this time Rin?" I asked and she nodded her head " I also have Yugyeom oppa to help with the one part him and I practiced a lot I promise I won't feel awkward" she smiled. We practised in front of Yugyeom for the first time so he knew on que when to come in and it was great, and Rin was right she didn't look awkward at all this dance. "Wow Rin you and Yugyeom are amazing" Raejoon said and Rin smiled "Komawo" she smiled and we rested for tomorrow

*Raejoons pov*
We walked out after being announced and a video played as a little teaser, we all held hands and relaxed before walking out and taking our places. We walked out only to be treated by the sounds of screaming fans, we matched with our white shirts and black short shorts except Rin wore a short sleeve while we wore long sleeves. We started on the ground and Rin standing in the middle we stayed In This formation, so that everyone could see Rin unlike our pervious video where Rin hid in the back.
We ran off to the side when Yugyeom came in and the fans started to roar when he and Rin danced together, and they look comfortable the entire time. When Yugyeom walked off the two of us ran back on and continued our dance to the end

*Rins pov*
When we walked out I saw the other three girls sitting in their seat off the the side watching and I felt under pressure a bit but I kept strong and made it through the dance. Dancing with Yugyeom felt amazing he was an amazing helper, and was really light and smooth while dancing, and with little practice he knew everything on que. the fan cheered from the beginning of the dance till the end, I requested a ladies code song for a tribute to RiSe and EunB and I hope everyone would know that, and pay their respects to the group and girls during the song.
We finished and everyone stood up and clapped a couple fans had tears In their eyes, including IU.
"Okay I need to know why you chose that song?" JYP asked and I nodded for Bo Na to answer "well it's been a year since the passing of EunB and RiSe and Rin thought it would be nice to pay tribute to the girls in our performance, so that's why we chose it" she said and we nodded in the back "The dance was smooth and beautiful I loved it and I'm sure the girls would have too" IU smiled "I agree that dance was perfect and beautiful" Amber said, I got a bit nervous when we got to Jay park as he narrowed his eyes on us "sexy concept is Raejoons specialty, Bo Na also, Rin I know it's not something your a fan of but I loved that you got a solo and danced, not looking awkward at all it was great" he said and I let out a sigh of relief, "okay girls thank you" JYP said and we bowed before walking off to sit.
"You guys did really well" Hyekyung smiled and I smiled back "thank you."

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