Day off

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Requested chapter*
Yes it's Hyolyn but pretend it's Rin

*Rins pov*
"Oppa!" I called out to Jae and Key as they walked down the hall, "do you guys have any plans?" I asked and they shook their head "want to come with me to record, you can meet Zico and Paloalto oppa?" I asked and they both looked at eachother "sure" they said at the same time and I smiled. We walked out and got in the van as JYPs assistant drove us to the seven season studio, "Annyeong" a staff member said with a bow and the three of us bowed back "Are you Rin?" The lady asked and I nodded my head "Follow me" she smiled and the three of us walked in, while JYPs assistant stayed in the van out back. "Annyeonghaseyo" I smiled as we walked into the studio "ah Rin-ah you made it!" Paloalto smiled and I nodded my head "is it okay if I brought two of my friends from the label?" I asked and Zico looked over, "as long as they stay out the way I don't see why not" he said and I smiled.
Jae and Key sat down facing the window as the three of us walked into the studio, we put our headphones on and I heard a guy singing "the part he's doing we want you to sing we had it pre-recorded for you to make it easier since you had no time to practice is that okay?" Paloalto asked "Ne" I smiled and we started to record.

*Key pov*
I knew that we were going to have a day off today, and yesterday I wanted to ask Rin out to the mall or movie or just to chill, but instead she got offered to make a song and be in a video, I mean I couldn't complain she did ask Jae and I to tag along with her which was still technically being with her but I spent more time with Jae and he was more sucked into watching them record their song, and I knew tomorrow was also a day off for Rin only since she also had to record the music video. "That's great Rin you did really well" The producer called out I looked over as the three of them walked out and the producer played back the audio to them.

*Jae pov*
Hearing the audio to their Dark Panda song put me in awe, Rin's vocals, with Hyungs rap was amazing, "Whoa that sounds amazing" Rin smiled, Zico looked over at Rin and smiled at her as she listening to their audio in amazement "huh JYP was right you really do have powerful vocals" Paloalto said and Zico looked at him "you thought the big man would lie?" He asked and Paloalto shook his head "Aniyo, I thought he was just boosting her a bit because she's his niece" he said and Zicos eyes went wide "Ya! JYP is your uncle?" He asked in extreme shock and she nodded "how you're half white half Chinese?" He asked and I let out a sigh, "My moms Sister is married to him, my moms sister is Chinese" she said and he let out an oh. "So you will be back here tomorrow to meet us for the music video shoot right?" He asked and Rin nodded her head "great see you then" he smiled and Rin bowed to them before we walked out "what's time is it?" Rin asked and I looked at my phone "uhm 4" I said and Rin stretched her arms "2 hours sure went by fast huh" she smiled and we smiled back.

*Sohee pov*
I got invited to the 1Million dance studio by my friend Mina a dancer at the studio, it was nice to have a day off to finally hang out with my friends outside of JYP, "so Sohee how's life as a rookie?" Mina asked and I gave her a smile "it's great really, I'm the Maknae of our group, made some really close friends, met a guy who I like, and it's A LOT of hard work and long hours honestly I don't think we would have gotten today off if Rin didn't get offered a part in Zico and Paloalto's new song" I said and Mina's eyes went wide "a girl in your group gets to be in a video with Zico oppa?!" She squealed and I nodded my head "what is she like her role in the group?" She asked I stood there trying to remember "ahh Leader, Main vocal, money maker, Main dancer, rapper and Face of the group" I said and her eyes went wide "so many roles what about you?" "Lead rapper, Lead vocals, Maknae and visual" I said and Mina gave me a confused look "okay so what's the difference between visual and face of the group?" She asked.
"The difference is that the visual is often placed in the group mainly for their looks, and is usually considered the most attractive member. The Face of the Group on the other hand is the most popular member of the group, or the one who brings the most publicity to the group." I explained and she nodded in understanding, "JYP wanted to put as both as visuals but Rin said no and for me to take it since she had to much going on already with her roles, and than everything she's doing making her well knows she got labeled as the face of the group" I explained and she smiled "well come on let's go the others are all waiting, you wanted to Learn 7/11 right?" Mina asked and I nodded "great than let's go" she said and we walked inside.

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