We broke up

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*Rin pov*
We finally finished the webtoon and I couldn't be more happy, my first time acting, and after 10 episodes it was finally over, no more awkward scenes and nothing to get in the way of the competition for a while. Tomorrow was part two of the competition and I got to see how well the girls did without me and the guys without Dylan.
"Yah Rin-ah!" Dylan called out and I turned and walked off, "Rin!" He called again grabbing my arm "what do you want?!" I asked getting annoyed and he jumped back "did I do something wrong?" He asked, I looked at him remembering yesterday when he shoved key and pulled me towards him as if I wasn't ever aloud near him, "yeah you did" I said and pulled my arm away from him and walked off.

*Dylans pov*
I don't know what I did wrong, I was hurt by Key and Rin was mad at me, did she really like Key or was it just my actions? I went to run after Rin and stopped in my tracks as she was being held by Jae he looked over at me and pulled Rin with him was she crying?
That would explain all her emotions and why they were so strong in this webtoon. I let out a sigh and got in the van home as Rin got in a taxi with Jae, I needed to apologize to her, but first I needed to know what I did wrong?

*Jae pov*
Rin called before they recorded their last episode for me to meet up and take her home, it confused me on why she just didn't take the van with Dylan but I agreed to it. I got there about an hour after she called and saw Dylan pull her towards him as if they just got in a fight, no wonder she called me. Dylan turned to walk off than stopped, I waved to Rin as she ran towards me and hugged me with tears in her eyes "oppa take me home please" she cried but I didn't bother to ask I looked up as Dylan walked towards us I caught his eye making him stop and I walked with Rin to the taxi and closed the door behind her and drove off to the JYP building.
Rin's tears dried up and not a word was said the entire time I looked over at her and put my hand on her shoulder but she quickly brushed it off, and I knew she was upset not with me but either with herself or Dylan.

*Key pov*
I waited outside the JYP building for Dylan to get back so I could apologize for hurting him and decided that he can have her, since they will be making a lot of CFs or dramas together probably, I looked up as the van pulled out and I saw Dylan but no Rin where was she? "Yah where's Rin?" I asked but Dylan didn't answer and walked right past me, screw the apology he wasn't getting one, did he seriously leave Rin alone to get a taxi?!
I waited outside and a taxi pulled up as Rin and Jae got out "Hyung did you pick up Rin?" I asked and he nodded his head and Rin just looked at me "Gwenchana?" I asked and she nodded her head and walked inside.
"What happened between her and Dylan?" Jae asked and I let out a sigh, "Dylan got mad at me and shoved me In front of Rin and grabbed her wrist to pull her away and she pulled her wrist back looked at the both of us called us childish and walked in the opposite direction, she hasn't talked to either of us since, except Dylan cause in their webtoon they have no choice" I explained and Jae nodded his head.

*Jessy pov*
Jyp called us all to the JYP dance studio and looked to make sure we were all here "who's ready to see the preview to We broke up?" JYPs asked and we all cheered, I looked back as Rin and Dylan stood far away from eachother we watched as Rins part came up first and we started to laugh, along and aww when she had to kiss him on the cheek, when Dylans part came we all laughed again and aw'd as they acted cute on screen, Rin looked over at Dylan as he looked at her and they both smiled, I knew something was going on between the two of them but I knew they would work it out between eachother.
"Okay now after this part of the competition we are doing Small groups so because their are six of you I'm splitting you into threes, Rin, Jessy and Jinhee & Bo Na, Hyekyung, and Raejoon. Than Dylan, Key and Jae & JJ, KH and Hyunwoo. These small groups are based on who deserves to be a subunit when your groups debut so it could be you three or you three" JYP explained I was so happy to be in a subunit with my two best friends, but it sucked because I had to compete against Bo Na. "So be prepared for your next live performance tomorrow, than start preparing for your Small groups" He said than walked out as we all bowed.

*Raejoon pov*
We watched their teaser for we broke up and it was the cutest thing ever, the two made the perfect couple, they were two that I really hoped ended up together. "Yah how's your guys performance coming along?" Rin asked and we all looked at eachother "you have to wait and see for tomorrow!" Sohee teased and Rin gave us a pout "I don't want to wait that long" she sighed but none of us gave in "Unnie please" Rin looked at me trying to use aegyo, and I had to bite my tongue in order to not say anything "Aish you guys are boring" she hissed and we all started to laugh "yeah Unnie maybe next time don't film a webtoon or hurt yourself and you would know how our dance went" Hyekyung laughed and Rin glared at her "yah at least from the cute webtoon she's going to get us more known for when we debut" Bo Na said and we all nodded in agreement "yeah but didn't she also star in Infinites music video last Romeo?" I asked and Rin nodded her head, "and she's also starring in Seventeen's new music video Mansae too" (pretend okay imagination works it's wonders) Sohee added and I looked in amazement "Waaaa I'm dating Seungri and I haven't been able to be feature in any of their music videos yet" I pouted and Rin smiled "because they are waiting for the perfect video, or maybe when they do their solo albums again Seungri will use you in all his videos as his main girl" she said making me smile.

*Rins pov*
After watching our teaser I decided that me being upset with Dylan was stupid, I understand where he was coming from, after the girls and I finished talking I popped my head into the guys practice room and Dylan was the only one there I quietly closed the door and ran over hugging him from behind "Mianhae oppa" I said not letting go and I could see him smile in the mirror "being mad at you for what you did yesterday isn't worth it, Mianhae, were best friends, like brother and sister, it's wrong for me to be mad at you for something  so pointless" I said and Dylan let my arms go and smiled at me "Mianhae Rin" when he said that I became confused "I'm sorry for liking you, it was just a one day feeling, my first kiss was with you and my emotions were all over the place but I've realized, you're either for Key or for Jae but not for me, you're my yeodongsang" he smiled which made my heart hurt, yesterday I started to like Dylan but now I had to let those feeling go and just look to him as my older brother.
"Now come on we don't want to be later for the competition now do we?" He asked and I shook my head and we both walked off to the Auditorium.

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