Jyp rookies pt 11

36 2 0

2/3 subunits
Short chapter

*Hyunwoo pov*
We got in the vans and headed to the arena "who do you think the female subunit will be?" Dylan asked and we all laughed "clearly Sohee and Rin they do everything together, even judges notice how close they are and how well they work together it will clearly be them, or Rin and Jessy or Sohee and Jessy I couldn't possibly think of anyone else" KH said and we all nodded. We got to the arena and were greeted by our stylist "you guys ready?" He asked and we nodded our heads "okay than lets go"

*Dylan pov*
We watched as the girls were hugging each other but couldn't make out what they were saying "see we new it would be Sohee and Rin" KH laughed we got handed our Mics and took a breath before walking out "ahh all six of you are here" Jay park laughed and we all looked at each other confused "Raejoon was missing so only 5 girls walked out until the last 2 minutes" he added and we all looked at each other surprised. "So just like we told the girls three of you will be in a subunit 2 of you together and one of you with one of the girls, the two of you will be decided on fan vote, but the solos male and female together is based on a vote from us" JYP said and we all nodded.

*JJ pov*
I was nervous hearing the one subunit was fan choice because I'm not noticed much by the fans it was usually Dylan and Key so that's who I was expecting "for the two member subunit who do you believe the fan have chosen?" IU asked and we all looked at each other "Dylan and Key" I said and every one thought about it than nodded along and the judges looked surprised by that "and the solo male?" Amber asked "Hyunwoo" Dylan said and we all nodded.

*KH pov*
I stood there feeling uneasy I wanted to be part of the subunit so bad to show what I had to bring to the group instead of just being there and not known very much, "so this is a fan vote and you guys unlike the girls have reasons behind it written by a couple fans, so these two members fan claim are in the shadows compared to the other members and they want them to become more known, congratulations JJ and KH" JYP said and my eyes went wide "thank you!" I cheered and the members clapped "thank you we won't disappoint you!!" JJ cheered and we all walked off stage

*Jae pov*
We walked off the stage to celebrate a bit I was happy for KH and JJ they could finally show off their talent and become more known and that made me smile "congrats guys you deserve it" Key smiled "okay the four of you need to join the other back on stage" the stage manager said and we all nodded patting KH and JJ before walking back out.

*Jae pov*We walked off the stage to celebrate a bit I was happy for KH and JJ they could finally show off their talent and become more known and that made me smile "congrats guys you deserve it" Key smiled "okay the four of you need to join the ot...

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Again another terrible chapter but I'm just trying to get these three chapters finished.

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