Jyp rookies part one

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1- it's Momo but pretend it's Rin
2- these next 5 chapters will be pretty short
*Raejoons pov*
"Ahhhhh Bora you made it!!! Girls this is bora my friend from Malaysia!" I turned my head to see the girl and bowed, I knew she didn't speak Korean but she did know English "hello" she said and I smiled "hello, I'm Rin this is Sohee, Jessy, Bo Na, and Hyekyung it's nice to meet one of Raejoons childhood friends" Rin smiled and she smiled back "I know who you guys are, besides Raejoon Bo Na is my bias of the group because her vocals are amazing but don't worry Rin if I get a bias wrecker eventually I hope you or  Sohee will grow on me, her rapping and your dancing it sucks that the three leads arent together" she laughed and I smiled "Bo Na she said your her bias" Rin told her and she smiled and bowed "thank you" I laughed at Bo Na's attempt to speak English as she thanked Bora.

"Rin your on!" The stage manager called and dragged Rin to the stage.

*Rins pov*
"Hello everyone and welcome to our first episode of JYP Rookies. I'm your host JYP and with me are IU, Jay Park and F(x) Amber, they are here to help judge the dancing, the rapping, and the vocals of each group, now to the show to start things up welcome Rin" I looked out seeing the girls sitting on one side of the stage and the guys on the other, I took a deep breath and walked out to the middle of the stage as soon as the music started all my nerves disappeared as a danced to a remix of Ariana's song problem.
I was relived looking at the judges as the all seemed to enjoy it which made my nerves stay away, JYP was smiling and jay park was bobbing his head.
After the song finished I took and other deep breath and let it out, bowed to the judges and walked to my seat.

*Jessy pov*
Seeing Rin dance to Problem put me in aw it really made me realize why she was named Main dancer her self produced dance was amazing she was dancing to the beat and not the words, and she was so light on her feet she smiled through the entire song which helped realize that she wasn't nervous and that she was quiet comfortable on stage. The song finished and she finished with an aegyo pose and the crowed cheered, I knew IU was judging the vocals, Jay park rap and dance, and Amber Rap and vocals which put pressure on me because I looked up to Amber.

*Jae pov*
I watch as Rin walked out she looked nervous to be opening the show with a dance, but the second the music started it was like her nerves washed away within a millisecond she was smiling and dancing looking like she was have a great time "wow who knew she could dance like that" Hyunwoo said and we nodded our heads in agreement I looked over at the girls, and Raejoon, Hyekyung and Bo Na all looked worried, they had to compete against Rin for small group and I guess her performance here made them worry. I looked at the judges and JYP, Jay park was bobbing his head, IU was watching in Awe, and Amber was jamming out to the music while JYP was just smiling. I knew part of him did this for the fans but the other part I think was to show off how talented his niece was, but I don't think they would reveal that she's his niece until the debut because fans would judge that IF the girls won it would only be because of Rin being JYPs niece which isn't true or else they would have automatically debuted without competition.

"And a round of applause for JYPr6G's Lead dancer Lee Hyorin!" JYP announced, Rin bowed again at her seat and we all walked off stage.

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