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*Rin pov*
I walked over to Sohee and started to shake her as she slept "Yah Unnie!" She growled in anger making me laugh "Sohee come on the new JYP trainees are here shouldn't we go greet them?" I asked and she slowly sat up and looked at me "why no one took care of us when we came" she sighed and I knew she was right, "yeah but that's because we came while everyone was busy with comebacks, now that we're close to debuting everyone is trying to help us and supporting us, now get ready or I'm dragging you down there looking like that!" I yelled walking out of the room. "Good morning Rin" JJ smiled walking down the hall and I smiled back "we do have these two days off right??" He asked and I nodded "great, a 42 hour break was much needed" he laugh his cheeks turning a light pink "what are you doing today?" I asked and he looked forward "Hyunwoo, KH and I want to go see the new trainees" he said and my eyes went wide "that's what Sohee and I are doing if she ever gets out of bed" I laughed and so did he "well we will see you two down there than" he smiled than walked off.
"Sohee hurry up!" I yelled and she walked out tying her hair back "I'm exhausted from yesterday do I have to go?" She asked and I nodded my head pulling her to the elevator.
"They are all in the big practise room there is so far only the Korean trainees JYP is in China right now than Japan tomorrow, there are only 25 trainees here, they will all be close to your age" I said and she let out a sigh.

*Sohee pov*
I let out a sigh as we got out of the elevator, I wasn't annoyed to meet the trainees just that Rin woke up so early to go "You're annoyed aren't you?" She asked turning to me before opening the door and I nodded my head "well don't be because Hyunwoo is here too" she smiled and my eyes went wide "why didn't you tell me!?" I said taking my hair out of my pony tail and she let out a small laugh "Oppa!" Rin yelled running off and left me there alone. I stood there looking around trying to find Hyunwoo but nothing, these trainees weren't very social they all looked awkward. I walked around and heard whispers about Rin and trainees claiming the only reason she got in was because she was JYPs niece and it angered me a bit "that girl?" A trainee said and another laughed "right she's mixed, I wonder how he felt about her" another laughed and I walked over and crossed my arms "Sohee" they both said and bowed to me "who are you girls talking about? Cause a lot of my members are mixed so who are you talking about?!" I hissed and the two girls looked at each other "Rin... We're sorry" the one girl said and I narrowed my eyes on her "you need to learn to respect those older than you. Rin got in for her talent NOT for being JYPs niece" I growled and turned to walk away only to be greeted by a boy.
"Annyong" i bowed and he bowed back "Sohee right?" He asked and I nodded "Daniel" he smiled and I smiled back "I got in for my dancing, and I'm pretty sure thats it, I would probably only be a sub vocal or sub rapper" he laughed scratching the back of his head looking nervous "did you just come here today with the other trainees?" I asked and he nodded his head "well if you ever need help with your dancing you could always ask KH, JJ or Jae I'm sure they would help you" I smiled and Daniel blushed a bit "actually I was hoping you would be able to help me" he said trying to avoid eye contact and I smiled "yeah sure, how about today I have nothing to do and you probably don't either?" I asked and he nodded his head "is there a song you had in mind?" I asked and he nodded "great lets go" I smiled and led him to one of the dance rooms.

*Hyunwoo pov*
I looked over seeing Sohee talking to one of the trainees and smiling, than next thing I knew she walked out of the room with him "where are they going?" I whispered to myself and walked to find Rin. "Nuna!" I called out seeing Rin talking to day6 Jae "Hyung" I bowed and he bowed back "Nuna does Sohee know any of the trainees here from like when she was a kid?" I asked and she shook her head "no but if she did it would have been much easier to get her awake this morning" she laughed and I started to worry a bit "Nuna can you come with me please!!" I begged and she let out a sigh "fine" she said than hugged Jae "I'll catch up with you later Oppa" she waved as a dragged her off "what has gotten into you Hyunwoo?!" She asked sounding slightly annoyed "Sohee went off with a boy trainee and I don't know what there doing!!" I said and Rin laughed "oh is someone getting jealous?" She laughed and I narrowed my eyes "this isn't about me!!" I hissed and we walked over to the dancing rooms seeing them both dance "that's it she's just teaching him to dance?" She said and I let out a sigh "that's all you pulled me here for??" She asked and I bit my lip "Mianhae" I sighed and she smiled "it's okay now come on let's go back please" she said and I nodded.

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