Shaking heart

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Warning this chapter may be short cause I'm having writers block and for some reason I have no idea how to write this chapter :(

*Dylans pov*
KH walked into the room with hats and we all looked at him confused why did our dance need hats? "I was thinking we could try to do more of a classy dance the girls change their concept from time to time so why don't we?" He suggested and Key grabbed a hat "as long as we never feel uncomfortable i think we could pull it off" he smiled and so did the rest of us. Hyunwoo and Jae did all the English rap parts since they were our strongest English speakers in the group.
"Okay guys I think we're ready" Key said and we all nodded in agreement.

*Jae pov*
"Okay guys ready?" JYP asked and we all nodded our  heads "you have to beat 8,457,987 think you can do that?" He asked and key let out a laugh "yeah I think we can" he smiled and looked at Rin as she smiled back and the others glared at his high confidence. We all turned to walk away when I felt a hand on my arm I turned around seeing Rin and smiled "good luck" she said and I nodded as she walked off, I can honestly say I have never felt my heart flutter so much in my entire life.

*Key pov*
Turning to see Rin her hand on Jae's arm and smiling it honestly made me hurt a bit, we walked around and Jae turned to us with the biggest smile on his face which pissed me off a bit, I let out a sigh and and we all went into our positions, Hyunwoo started with his English rap, than JJ, back to Hyunwoo, and again to JJ, to me, to KH, to Dylan, than to Hyunwoo and than Jae, and so on, and I thought our dance with Raejoons recorded voice on the phone, and our vocals and rap went smoothly and I honestly believed we had this in the bag, their was no way the girls were going to beat us, I knew for a fact we were going to win this again and have 2 over on the girls.

*Hyunwoo Pov*
When I did my rap Sohee smiled, I knew she was happy for me to get more rapping parts, and being able to rap in English was amazing for me also, I smiled knowing Sohee was watching me I can admit I may have fallen for her, but I wasn't ready to make it noticeable like she did, I still wanted to tease her and make her think I wasn't interested in anything more than her as a friend, and also I like this concept it was fun and easy, and I was hoping the fans would like it also.

*JJ pov*
Our dance finished and so did the broadcast, Rin and Sohee were the first to stand up and clap making each other laugh and smile, I looked over at Hyunwoo as he had a dorky smile on his face, did he have a thing for Sohee or for Rin, no it had to be Sohee she was younger than him, plus Jae and Key had a thing for Rin, which I don't blame them, Sohee was beautiful and Rin was straight up adorable, she could pass for the Maknae just by her looks and it wouldn't surprise me if they debuted and people mistakes her for the Maknae, she was definitely the one who didn't look her age at all.

*KH pov*
I thought our dance went very well, and better than I expected, I just hope that our fans see how hard we work on our dance and like our dance more than the girls, cause all of us were comfortable with what we did and Rin didn't look comfortable through her expressions, BUT through her dance you couldn't notice except her being at the back during the chorus of their song, and she did sing more in their song over their others. So I think his would be a close result just like our last competition, but in my opinion I think if Rin was part of their last dance she would have felt a lot more comfortable during this dance, and in their defence I hoped their fans saw past that.

*Rin pov*
I knew after watching their dance the guys would probably beat us by a landslide and if they won I knew I was going to blame myself but I just hoped the fans would see past me being uncomfortable since it was my first time doing that type of concept, "so what did you think?" Key asked walking up to me "uh wow uhm you guys did amazing, I feel a bit threatened by you guys lately" I laughed and so did he, "I was wondering actually if you wanted to-" "Rin-ah I need to talk to you my office now" I looked over at my uncle and nodded my head "hold that thought I'll be back I promise" I smiled and walked off with my uncle. We got to his office and he smiled at me I turned my head to see block B Zico and Paloalto and my eyes went wide "Annyeonghaseyo" I bowed and they both bowed back,"Rin, Zico and Paloalto are here to ask you something" JYP said and I looked over at them, "Ah yes Rin, would you like to be featured in our new music video and Sing in it? We heard that you have powerful vocals and it's something we could use for our song" Zico said and my eyes went wide "for real!" I smiled covering my face Zico oppa was my bias in block B and having him ask me to be in his music video and sing I couldn't believe it "Yes" Paloalto smiled and I tried to control my breathing I nodded with a smile "yes please!" I said and Zico smiled, great we start recording tomorrow" he said and I just stood there "wait this isn't going to interfere with our competition right?" I asked and JYP shook his head "great than I'm in" I smiled and bowed as they left "THANK YOU SAMCHON!" I yelled and hugged JYP than ran out of the room I couldn't wait to tell the others!

*Jessy pov*
I turned my head as the door swung open and Rin ran in looking like she was going to explode in excitement "what is it girl spill it" Raejoon said and Rin took a deep breath "I get to be featured in Zico oppa and Paloalto oppas new song and music video!!!!" She said freaking out "are you serious!" Sohee said and Rin nodded her head "Unnie I'm so proud of you!" Sohee cheered and hugged her "This is going to be huge for us! We haven't even debuted yet, yet you get to sing and be part of a music video!" Hyekyung said and Rins smile grew larger and larger, "Yah Nuna you get to be in a video with Paloalto and Zico Hyung!" Hyunwoo said and she nodded her head "Wow that's amazing!" KH said and she smiled "we start recording tomorrow and they are going to help me I'm so exited!" She smiled and Key looked down "Oppa aren't you proud?" Bo Na asked and we all turned to Key "Huh yeah I'm very proud but what about the competition?" Key asked and Rin smiled "JYP said we can all have the day off tomorrow" she said and we all cheered and sighed in relief finally a day off and it was all thanks to Rin if she would have turned that offer down we all probably would have been working again.

*Bo Na pov"
I was proud of Rin but I was also jealous, she got everything, CF commercials, Webtoons, and now a music video, everything I ever wanted and Rin got it, but I guess being the money maker it's what she got, it was her job to get well known, and help make our group become more well known like Suzy for MissA, Sunmi for Wonder girls, and Jackson for Got7, it's just how it was going to be, and I just had to support and be proud of her and hopefully my time would come eventually.

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