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*Sohees pov*
Finally a week passed and Rin was up walking around without a cast and crutches but she still had a slight limp, we sat in the couch and I slouched in my seat and looked up at her with a goofy smile making her laugh "what?" She asked and I just looked at her "Nothing" I said with an overextended sigh, Rin nudged me and I nudged her back "hey Rin is out of the nurses office how was jail" Parker teased and Rin narrowed her eyes "Worst experience of my life, laying in bed all day, it's just NOT my style" she sighed than smiled. "Yah Rin-ah!" I turned my head and say KH, JJ, Bo Na and Jessy run down the hall "Gwenchana?!?" They asked and she nodded her head "do you think you can dance?" Jessy asked and Rin put her head down and shook it, "Yah the girl just got out of the nurses office they told her no dancing or singing or anything loud for the next week so Stop yelling" Parker said and Rin raised her head "Aniyo even if I could dance right now I probably wouldn't" Rin said than turned the corner and walked towards JYPs office.
"What did she mean by that?" KH asked and I started to worry, did Rin not want to debut anymore?

*Dylans pov*
"So would you be okay with that?" JYP asked and I sat there thinking doing a webtoon called we broke up (yes the one that Dara made from 2ne1) with Rin, I mean it would help our groups out a lot when we debut if we were already know just like bobby when he was on SMTM3 "I'll do it" I smiled, the door opened and Rin walked in "sorry I didn't know you guys were-" "Kwenchana, Rin come in" she looked awkward and she limped In The room and and sat down. "Rin, do you want to be the leading female in our new webtoon, Dylan has agreed to it, he's the leading male, so would you feel comfortable with it?" JYP asked, Rin looked at me and started to think and I gave her a warm smile "uh yeah sure" she smiled, "great filming starts next week" he said and we both shot out of our seat "NEXT WEEK?!?!" We yelled, I looked at Rin surprised she wasn't in pain from shooting out of her seat that fast "Ani we can't the competition is next week and-" "and it's fair 5 on 5 instead of 6 on 5 right?" He said and Rin looked like she understood, no matter what she wasn't able to compete next week and she knew that.

I looked over at Rin as she sat down and she looked upset "Ajussi will I ever be able to dance again the way I used to?" When Rin asked than I fell to my seat, her ankle wasn't broken, how could she think that she wouldn't be able to dance? "Yes R...

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I looked over at Rin as she sat down and she looked upset "Ajussi will I ever be able to dance again the way I used to?" When Rin asked than I fell to my seat, her ankle wasn't broken, how could she think that she wouldn't be able to dance? "Yes Rin you will be able to dance the way you did before, who knows maybe even better because you will be so excited that it might explode out of you" he said and she let out a small smile, "so what's the webtoon called?" She smiled and I handed her the script "we broke up, sounds fun" she said and I smiled.

*Rin pov*
I was happy that I was making a web toon with Dylan but I was disappointed that I couldn't take part in next weeks competition but I knew I had to take it easy on my ankle. "Unnie?" I looked over as the door opened and sat up in my bed as Raejoon and Hyekyung walked in, "you okay" Raejoon asked and I nodded my head, "Bo Na said you walked off from them and looked upset" Hyekyung said and I let out a sigh "I was but I'm fine now guys really" I said and Raejoon crossed her arms and cocked her hip " I will walk over to YG and get GD if you don't tell me what's going on" when she said that I snapped towards her, GD always bugged me and teased me when she wanted to get information out of me, "fine it's just I'm scared what if my ankle doesn't heal properly? What if when we debut fans hate on me because they don't think I deserve the lead dancer title cause of my injury?" I asked and they both sat on either side of me and hugged me "Yah if Yoona ever heard you Unnie you would get a huge lecture she has haters, but that doesn't stop her from her title or doing what she loves" Hyekyung said and I nodded my head understanding "yeah so head up princess" Raejoon smiled. I liked that Raejoon was in our group she was so caring and loving like a mother, and her being the eldest just made it work.

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