Jyp rookies part 3

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These boys are called raccoon boys
McKay on guitar-Dylan
Brian Standing- Key
Minseok Rapping-Jae

*Dylans pov*
I walked out with my guitar and sat on the chair Key stood in the middle and Jae sat on the other chair, we all agreed to cover Girls Generations Run Devil Run, and when we practiced it sounded amazing, even Rin agreed. I started playing the guitar and singing which caught IU and JYPs attention, Keys voice caught Amber's, and Jae's rap caught Jay parks, and the second we got his attention I knew we beat out the others.
When Jae got up from his chair and walked around while doing his rap Jay park smiled and bobbed his head, I knew this was a good sign cause during the others performance he just sat there and watched.
At the end Key kicked the mic stand down while holding the mic which made IU laugh and Key quickly picked the stand back up, making me laugh.

*Key pov*
Standing in the middle put a lot of pressure on me because I saw everyone, all the fans all the judges and their reactions, when Dylan started playing the guitar it caught JYPs attention right away, but I guess that's cause none of us really knew that he knew how to play, I was happy that my vocals caught Ambers attention cause she was the main girl I liked under SM and having her as a judge made me so happy, what are nerves? I don't know because right now I don't have them. When Jae went up to do his rap I watched in aw, because I've never been able to actually hear him rap it was always, Hyunwoo, KH, and JJ but hopefully after JYP hears him rap he will get more parts, since he's just a rapper, not a main rapper.

*Jae pov*
For the beginning of the song I just sat in my chair doing vocals so no one really noticed me but the second my rap came I had to have blown Jay Park away, because run devil run didn't have rapping, he was bobbing his head and smiling, I moved around like he suggested for the others to do, and I felt like My rap went smoothly, I sat back down and we continued the song, but when Key kicked the stand down I pulled my mic away turned and let out a small laugh and so did IU.
Key went back and picked up the stand while everyone was clapping.
"Dylan, I didn't know you could play guitar that's actually what grabbed my attention when you walked out here I was like Why does Dylan have. Guitar, and now I know" JYP smiled and so did Dylan "Jae my man, you just sat there pretending like you were just back up vocals but your rap, the second it came on you sprung out of you seat with emotion, and movements, you walked around which was good I liked it" When Jay said that I smiled in relief I was happy that we got a good comment from him and not constructive criticism.

*Dylans pov*
"Dylan and Key your voices when they blended together just sounding great, than when Jae added his voice in you guys just sounded amazing, your voices just blended beautifully I loved it thank you" IU smiled and Amber just looked at us "I don't even know what to say cause everyone's saying something positive, and taking what I want to say, Jae your rap was great, Key your voice amazing, Dylan I like your voice and your guitar" She laughed and so did we "okay guy you may leave" JYP said, we bowed to the fans and judges as we walked back stage and saw Bo Na, Hyekyung and Raejoon ready to go on.

*Raejoon pov*
Movement, with Jay park, it's all about movement, catching there attention pulling them in and leaving them to want more, that's what we needed to do and that's what we were going to do, the three of us took a deep breath and looked at each other, we got ready and heard our video playing outside while they set up our stage,  we all looked at each other and nodded one last time before walking out.

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