Jyp rookies part 5

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Video from sixteen

*Jessy pov*
We walked on stage and Sohee ran up behind me "Jessy isn't that JYP?" I looked over into the crowed "where" I asked "over there" "oh my gosh it is!" I fake fangirling making him laugh and we started, Sohee started, and I followed after her, the fans kept cheering which made me smile, and all the judges were bobbing their heads to us, when Rin did her part than led into the chorus the fans cheered even more causing her to smile a lot as she performed. Than hearing Sohee's voice blew me away I was surprised she wasn't put as main vocals, but I guess since she was Lead rapper you can't have both, can you?

*Sohee pov*
As I did my rap I got Jay parks attention and I was happy, along with Rin and Jessy rap caught his attention also we all joined back together and walked the stage and tried to interact with the fans making them smile. When we ended the fans all cheered making us smile and laugh, I was surprised that all the judges stood up including JYP, but with Rin being his niece he had to have stood up for her right?

*Rins pov*
It was my idea to call out to JYP and when we did it made him and the judges laugh, we got to the end and our "God boy" was on point our performance went 200x better than our practices which made me happy and getting a standing ovation from the fans and judges I knew we had the subunit in the bag!
"Okay girls I want to see more of you, you three kept the crowd entertained and even us, making us laugh at the beginning and the end of your performance good job and Rin your 17 and look like your mistaken a lot of the Maknae of the group because I thought you were but JYP told me out of the three of you, you were the oldest and I was like omg no way! But you guys were amazing" Amber smiled "okay Amber we get it" IU laughed and so did we "Sohee your voice is angelic and your rap was really good, but hearing your voice made me smile your vocals are just wow amazing" she added, and we all looked at Jay park "wow I feel so much pressure everything with you guys everything is in sync right after your attention came from IU  in sync you all turned to me and it kinda freaked me out a bit" we all laughed when Jay park said that because we didn't notice "Sohee you're 13 and your dance, vocal, and rap are down right amazing, Jessy 16 and your voice is so mature and your rap also really good, and Rin the leader, ambers Maknae your vocals are really good, and your dancing is on que and amazing good job" he said making me smile, when it came to dance and rap I looked up to Jay Park so hearing him say nothing but positive things made me happy.

*Sohee pov*
We went back stage and right away we were surrounded by everyone "You guys were amazing!" "Yeah you did really well" "how did you get away with making them laugh" Hyunwoo hugged me which cause me to blush right away "good job Elle you guys were amazing" he said with a smile than walk back to get something to eat. "Rin-ah! Jay park complimented you guys how does it feel since he's your favourite solo artist??" KH asked but I couldn't even respond I still couldn't even believe that it happened.
"When do you think we find out who won the subunit?" Hyekyung asked and we all looked at Rin "Well I dont think they would decided based on one performance, I think they might mix us up again and see how we do" when she said that it sounded about right, why wouldn't they base the subunit off of one performance.

*Jessy pov*
We all got called I it back on stage and JYP stood up "so for the first round of small groups congratulations to everyone you were all really good, but Sohee, and girls, Dylan and guys you win this round, but the three judges have agreed to new small groups showing off dance only," he said and Jay park stood up "Rin, Raejoon, Bo Na group one, Sohee, Jessy, Hyekyung group two. Hyunwoo, Dylan, KH group three, Jae, Key and JJ group four. Good luck" when Jay park placed us with Hyekyung instead of Rin I became a bit nervous Sohee, Rin and I have been together since day one of training and now we had to separated from her again and it sucked.

*Rin pov*
Now I was the Maknae of the three of us, and i knew it would be different working with Raejoon and Bo Na instead of Jessy and Sohee but it was something I would have to work with and get to know my group members more.

*Sohee pov*
JYP closed the show announcing that we would be putting Another live performance on the V app with all 6 members of each group again with their votes, determining who would go first again for episode two of JYP rookies. And I was ready, we had Rin back, which helped me think that we would beat the guys this time, I knew we could.

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