Media outburst

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Breaking news
Two idols in a car crash caused by the CEOs assistant both idols are in the hospital no names have been revealed but idol A is in good condition while idol B is suffering from a slight memory loss stay tuned for more updates.

*Jessy pov*
"SLIGHT?!?! Are they serious I wish it was only slight memory loss!!! She doesn't remember anything!!!! I yelled at the tv I couldn't believe what was happening Sohee couldn't remember Hyunwoo, and Rin couldn't remember anything not even our names she kept getting us mixed up from time to time it's weird not having Rin home but at least Sohee was here "how do I look?" Sohee smile walking out she cut the ends of her hair and now it was a blue "Sohee wha-" "I think my hair needed some change" she laughed and so did i, it was nice to have my best friend back but I just wish we had Rin back the three of us were a Trio it wasn't the same really without her, "I couldn't get the knots out of my hair so I decided to cut it and dye it" she smiled and so did I "you really don"t remember Hyunwoo?" I asked and she shook her head "What about Rin?" I asked and she looked at me "TBH I wish I didn't.." "ELLE!" I yelled and she held her hands out "hear me out Jes, I'm happy I remember her but I wish I didn't remember that everything was about her, I wish I didn't remember that she was the face of the group you know?" I explained "gosh be more specific next time I thought you just didn't want to remember her in general!" I said placing my hand over my heart I felt like I was going to have a damn heart attack.

*Rin pov*
I sat in the hospital looking at my phone on my Facebook were all pictures of my parents and I and my twin sister I guess or I edited it to make two of me, there were pictures on me and the people who visited me in the hospital "knock knock" I looked to the door seeing one of the rookies but I couldn't remember his name... "How you feeling?" He asked and I shrugged my shoulders "still don't remember anything, I don't even know how I got in here" I said and he walked over sitting beside me "so they switched you to a single room do they think that would help you?" He asked and again I shrugged my shoulders "uhm-" I looked at the boy and he let out a sigh "Ricky but you and everyone call me Key" he said and I nodded "ah Key who are you to me?" I asked I'd feel bad if he was a boyfriend or my brother and I didn't know him but Sohee said something about him and Jae liking me so he couldn't be my brother....
Sohee why did that name sound so familiar "ahh!" I held my head in pain and closed my eyes "Rin!" I heard key call out and I looked back at him "Rin are you okay?!" He asked and I remembered but only a little "Sohee she was in an accident like I was wasn't she?" I asked and he nodded "I remember yelling her name than I blanked out what happened please tell me" I said and he let out a sigh "of course that's all you remember, but you guys got in an accident caused by your uncles assistant, he slammed his breaks while speeding lost control of the car flipped it twice than went into the guard rail we were right behind you in the van when it all happened do you remember anything else?" He asked and I started to think "I remember being scared, but I needed to protect Sohee cause she's the younger one, I took off my seat belt and flung myself into her hugging her to protect her from the shards of glass and I hit my head and everything went black" I said and key held my hand "best friend" he said and I gave him a confused look "I'm your best friend and I'm going to help you regain your memories" he smiled and I smiled back.

 Sohee why did that name sound so familiar "ahh!" I held my head in pain and closed my eyes "Rin!" I heard key call out and I looked back at him "Rin are you okay?!" He asked and I remembered but only a little "Sohee she was in an accident like I ...

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