One Mic

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*Rins Pov*

Once we got to Busan we went right to the beach because it was the main thing I wanted to Visit, being a fan of Seventeen, and watching their Video of Busan, I've always wanted to go to the beach. "Wow days went by fast huh" Key asked and I looked over at him "Our competition starts Tomorrow our Tv program everything starts Tomorrow" Key said and it hit me hard, when were we ever going to be able to fool around and have fun together after tomorrow we had to focus on winning in order to debut now. "Can we not focus on tomorrow and just focus on the now?" Dylan asked making me smile he was right why worry about tomorrow when right now all that matters is this moment right now and enjoying it.

I felt my phone viberate and quickly took it out "Hey Uncle whats up,, Uh yeah were Just in Busan right now why?,, Right now?,, Yeah I guess so,, Yeah sure,, can you wait a bit longer we really just-, okay fine.." I let out a sigh and hung up the phone and looked at the guys and they knew I was upset "We have to back to JYP" I said and they both sighed as we got back in the car and drove off, at least i was able to be at Busan beach for an hour, I opened the window and watched as the car beside us 2 girls freaked out and opened their window "KEY OPPA! DYLAN OPPA! UNNIE!" They yelled and I looked back at Key "roll up the window!" Dylan said and I shook my head "That's rude" I said I looked over as the girls held out the camera and were either taking pictures or video I had no Idea I smiled and waved, as Dylan just ignored them and Key rolled up his window, "wow what amazing press you two are making before your debut" I teased.

Key quickly rolled down his window and smiled doing a bit of Aegyo, and Dylan waved than quickly sped up so we could lose them. After an hour we got back to the JYP building and walked inside, I opened the door to our practise room and all the rookies were in here "Guys in here!" I called and they both walked in with me "Okay now as I was saying JYPROOKIES starts tomorrow on Mnet, why because your first apperance is during the JYP one Mic, you both are going to perform your songs and on our JYP website we will have the fans vote for a week which will allow us to see who the fans likes better and than say its the boys who won, than they will be ahead and debut first so the girls will have to work harder to beat the boys out of their spot. understand?" Jyp explained and we nodded our heads. "Great see you guys tomorrow" He said waving and walked out.

*Bo Na's Pov*

The jyp boys and us all sat with the laptop in front of us, "Who do you think goes first?" KH asked "Maybe the girls just because Rin is his niece" JJ said "YAH! Just because I'm his niece doesn't give us special treatment if it did we would be debuting and your hardwork would mean nothing!" Rin yelled making the guys jump. "Moment of truth" Jinhee took the laptop and sat in front of us all "Line up: JYP, 2am, 2pm, Miss A, Wondergirls, Baek A Yeon, 15&, Got7, TWICE, Day6, JYPr6B, JYPr6G, Special performances by Rookies, Rin, Sohee, Key and Hyunwoo?" The four of us looked at eachother confused "Special Performances?" Hyunwoo asked I sat there confused, One why were we last and two why did only them four get a special performance?

"Should we talk to JYP about this?" Key asked and Rin shook her head "Maybe he has something planned" she said and Jinhee nodded in agreement "Here's for tomorrow may today be our last day at peace with each other FIGHTING!" Raejoon smiled "FIGHTING!" We all cheered and laughed. The guys all walked out and Rin ran up to us, "I know a way to shine out the boys!" She smiled "What?" I asked and Rin smiled and Evil smile "make an intro than go into our song the way Got7 did with Girls Girls Girls they did that really cool intro" Rin said and we all nodded in agreement "I asked JYP and he said if it was okay with you guys we could do that" she added "What about the song?" I asked and she shook her head dont worry Jinhee and I got that down so what do you think?" "Dance?" Hyekyung asked and Sohee smiled "We got that down too we can spend the rest of today and tomorrow morning teaching it to you guys" Sohee said and I jumped up with excitement I was so excited to shine out the guys for once, it was usually hard for girl groups to do that, but I believed Rin and Sohee and hopefully we could pull this off.

*Raejoons Pov*

After 5 hours last night of practice and 4 hours of practice this morning after breakfast we finally got the dance to a T, we had it all perfect added our back up dancers, Thanks to Rin and Sohee I really believed that we could win this part of the competition, but then again it is up to the fans, so it was them that we really had to impress. "Unnie, did you talk to Seungri is he going to be there to cheer you on?" Jessy asked and I shook my head "He said they all had a busy day today" i sighed, I really wanted him to be there for my first time on stage, he told me how nervous he was his first time, and said that he believed in me, he said if he could do it than so could I, and i take his word for it. "Hmm we have TWICE, BTS, and Bigbang cheering us on, do you think their fans will cheer us on too?" Bo Na asked "I don't know I'd feel guilty if they cheered us on just because their Bia's are because I want them to cheer on who they think is best not who their Idols are cheering on" Rin sighed, and she did have a point.

*JJ's Pov*

We all practiced and Nerves took over a lot of us out back up dancers where doing better than we were and that wasn't good "Okay we shouldn't let our Nerves control us, we are before the girls, so if we work hard and show what we can really do, the girls should be the ones who are nervous not us, So come on get it together" Key said and we all nodded "Now one last time, we have 10 minutes till we get on the bus" Key said and again we practiced, this time doing better than the last time.

We all piled on the bus the girls all sat in front of us, and Jun.K passed us white shirts that said JYP Nation ONE MIC "Cute!" Rin smiled looking at her shirt She laid it on her lap and took a picture of it and posted it on Instagram "there my teaser photo for today since its not for another 6hrs" She smiled "6hrs?!" KH yelled and she nodded her head "Yeah we all have to go through sound check and make sure there's no stage malfunctions" She laughed and Kh sat back in his seat feeling embarrassed.

We got to the Concert Hall and their were fans waiting outside already "wow" Sohee said and Bambam laughed "Forgot this is your guy first time" he said and Jessy smiled "It's always like this oppa?" Rin asked and JB nodded his head "Always." The bus stopped outside the back doors and the Seniors all ran inside and we all followed behind them. "Girls over there, guys over there!" The stage manager called out and we seperated. After an hour we were all changed and styled up a bit.

*Dylans Pov*

I looked over seeing Rin with a red snapback on that said Dope, and her red plaid shirt tied around her waist, and Key had his sleeves cut off his shirt to make it like a muscle shirt, I guess being Rookies the leaders had to stand out more so the Fan could tell who the leaders were "Oppa I'm nervous what if i mess up" Rin said while the technition was setting her mic on her "Hey be lucky you're not a rapper" Hyekyung said while her Jessy and Sohee held up their mics "I am a rapper just not much parts like you guys" She added "Yeah but you're also the Main dancer so they wouldn't be able to give you a hand held mic anyway" I said making her smile. I tried my best to get rid of Rins nerves cause when she let her nerves take over it was usually obvious her voice would shake like crazy and her vision would go blurry Sohee and I were the only ones who knew that "Sohee, Watch out for her on stage" I said and she nodded her head knowing what I meant by that.

5 hours later after sound check the crowds started to pile in. The Hosts this year surprised me Raejoon and Miss A Suzy, They both walked out and welcomed everyone and introduced the lines ups but not the special performances. JYP walked out performing Who's Your Mama and a couple of other songs, but used Miss A and Wonder girls as his female back up dancers and 2pm and 2am as the male back up dancers, was that how it was going to be for our performances too?

The Next 3 chapters are going to be of One Mic (Next chapter all about the guys, the chapter After the girls, than the last One Mic chapter is the end of Round one of the competition)

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