One Mic JYPr6B

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*Hyunwoos Pov*

Sohee and I stood off to the side watching the other groups perform "waa Wonder girls are really good" she said and I nodded my head, "You nervous?" I asked and she shook her head" "Are you?" she asked back and I nodded "the only time I really performed was in front of JYP himself for the audition and than now performing in front of this many people" I said and Sohee hugged me "Oppa It's going to be okay you guys will do great. Fighting!" She said with a smile than walked back.  "Yah! Hyungwoo-ah! Have you seen Rin?" I turned my head to Raejoons voice could they not find her? "Ani, Ask either, Dylan, Key or Jae" I said than continued to watch the performance from the side.

*Key's Pov*

Rin, and I stayed in the practice room back stage with the door locked to practice one of our special performances, we did a 2 minuite dubstep performance we decided to do a cover of SMrookies Bassbot, with Miss A Min & Suzy, Got7 Yugyeom & Junior, and 2pm Junho. We practised even when other members had to go and perform the rest of us stayed behind to practice "Rin-Ah are you in there?!" I heard Raejoon call out and we all looked at her "Shoot I'm suppose to be practicing with them right now! Mianhae Sunbaes and Key" she said and quickly ran out.

"Key-ah, You like Rin don't you?" Min asked and I let out a sigh and nodded my head "Than hold onto her, shes beautiful any guy could go after her" She smiled making me smile too "Yeah like Yugyeom, hes only a couple days older than her" Junior said making Min glare at him. "Junior Shush" She said and Junior put his lips together tightly and nodded his head.

*JJs Pov*

KH and I stood in the waiting room and while staff were running around dolling up the seniors we stood by the back and practiced as much as we could before going on honestly I was nervous, this was the first time I was ever this nervous, we were going up after all these well know JYP artists, with our ONE song where they have plenty, and the girls were after us, so if we didn't do well it was very likely for the girls to be able to show us up, and I didn't like that. "Hyung you okay?" KH asked and I nodded my head "don't worry we're all nervous" He said trying to reassure me "JB Hyung, are you nervous?" Kh asked and JB stopped "Of course I am, everyone here is nervous, trust me, say you have 4 songs to do, or 10 your mainly nervous for your first 2 songs, than after that you realize hey this isn't so bad and you relax and your nerves disappear, what makes us all nervous though are our fans, they watch us and look up to us, and for them you don't want to screw up, and even if you screw up you just got to laugh and brush it off" He smiled "you guys will do great. Hwaiting!" He said and walked to the other Got7 members.

*KHs Pov*

Hearing what JB hyung said, made me realize that he was right, every show we're going to be filled with the nerves nothing will ever make them go away, for years to come, we will always be nervous cause we wanted to impress our fans, "Kh, JJ come on we have to get you guys ready" one of the staff members said making my heart skip beats, our first performance as a group was coming too soon and too fast, why couldn't the girls have gone first! "Hyung you scared?" Hyunwoo laughed looking over at me through his mirror and I flashed him a glare making him look away, I closed my eyes in my seat and tried to relax my nerves. "Okay lets go we're up" Key said, We all took a deep breath and stood in a circle silently and relax "ready?" Dylan asked and we all smiled "FIGHTING!" We all cheered the lights went dark and the stage lights were on as as the music started.

*Key Pov*

We got on stage and the stage lights were extreamly bright but we adjusted to it The order of the song had Hyunwoo starting than into KH, to Dylan, to Me, back to KH, to Jae, back to Dylan, to Jae, to all of us and Hyunwoo in the back vocals , to JJ at the end of every chorus. All of us were nervous I could easily tell but It wasn't obvious for the fans to figure out. Near the end 2pm came with the boxing arena and we all smiled as we pretended to fight. At the end all our nerves were gone and we all smiled as the fans cheered. "Remember to vote for us online thank you!" I cheered, we walked off stage and the girls stood there but very confident "Good luck" I smiled at Rin and she smiled back "I don't think we will need it" she said, the lights went dark and they went on stage. The rest of us watched and were taken back, they made an intro that was really good, and it led into the song fairly well. I'll give them credit they worked hard just like Momo told them too.

*Jaes pov*

I can admit I was extreamley confident about winning their votes but after the girls went up and got cheers once their song started I was surprised, their intro went amazing for saying it was put together last minute and they had fans cheering louder than we did, everything was just amazing, now I knew why they said they wouldn't need it when Key wished them Luck, they had, BTS, BigBang and TWICE fans cheering them on, which made us work harder. I watched as Rin slipped on stage during their chorus but luckily she caught her balance and continued like nothing happened. She really was perfessional and I actually hoped that they won this round

*Dylans Pov*

I watched the girls and it kicked in how much better they were than us, their swag intro right into The light, they showed two sides of their group, the side with swag, and the side that was bubbly. I watched Sohee dancing and smiling, I was concerned for her the most being 13 and having to get put through all this intense training and practice, and now having to be on stage performing in front of thousands maybe millions of people, I would be traumatized, and focus hard on not messing up, but for her age she did very well. "Thank you please vote for us if you want to see us debut!" Rin called and they all bowed while thanking the fans at the same time and walked off "You guys were amazing!" KH said and Raejoon smiled "Thank you" She said and Sohee smiled "I think this vote is going to be a tough one, cause you guys did very well also" Rin said and Jae let out a sigh "Guess we will see by the end of the week huh?" He asked and we all smiled "FIGHTING!" I called out and everyone else did the same after.

Sorry for the really bad chapter I don't really know how to write about performances

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