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(Video of Rin's memories)
I know in the beginning Rin was portrayed by Mijoo but I got asked if it was okay to change her portrayer to Joy and I said yes so now Rin is portrayed by Joy

*Key pov*
"KEY WHAT THE HEL-" "shut up!" I yelled cutting off Jae and looked back to the stage "what are you doing?!" Raejoon asked in frustration "helping her remember" I said pointing to the screen she was watching and the microphone in her hand "how is that suppose to work?" Hyekyung asked and I rolled my eyes "it just will, music is her life maybe this will trigger something" I said and we all sat there and watched.

*Rin pov*
I stood there watching the video of the performance I guess the song was called the light cause that's what the little caption thing at the bottom said. I watched the video on a loop and looks around and key was still not back I watched us all dance and tried to copy the move,ends and it was so hard to do, are they sure I loved to sing and dance? Because to me it seemed rather hard. I looked at the mic in my hand and held It up to my face, I sang and rapped the entire song twice than tried to teach myself the dance while singing, and everything became easier. The video stopped and another played but this time it was just the rookies and I my memories and cute funny moments of us, as music playing in the back ground. I walked towards the screen a pointed at the one with the pink ends "Jessy, that's me and Jessy, with Sohee and Hyekyung I remember that day" I whispered than my eyes went wide "I REMEMBER THAT DAY!!!!" I screamed jumping up and down. I was so happy I remembered something, I grabbed my head and tripped over air falling to the ground "RIN!" I looked up seeing Jae and hugged him "Oppa" I cried into him and he hugged me tightly "I remember" I said and he pulled me away "name something we did together" he said and I looked at him blankly.

*Jae pov*
"Name something we did together" I said and she looked at me blankly and I felt broken "my uncle and I got you a studio for your birthday, and I got you a jacket that you always looked at, you were so happy about getting your own studio it was the most happiest I've ever seen you" I teared up  and hugged her again I was so happy that she remembered "Unnie..." Rin lifted her head and saw Hyekyung and Raejoon and lifted herself up and ran to them crying "Unnie, Dongsang I'm so sorry I forgot I'm so so sorry" She cried and they both hugged her back "Yah it's not your fault" Raejoon and I felt so bad, she blamed herself for forgetting when it wasn't her fault and seeing her cry hurt even more "JJ oppa did you worry about me too?" She smiled and he nodded "aww you're so cute" she laughed holding his cheeks between her hands smiling with tears in her eyes.

*Key pov*
I watched as Rin remembered everyone and hugged them crying, I turned to leave because I didn't want to be a burden "KEY OPPA WAIT!" I stopped and my hand was grabbed and Rin stood in front of me holding my hand she looked hesitant than she caught her breath I stood in shock and she kissed my cheek and hugged me "thank you oppa" she whispered and I hugged her back "you believed that I would remember and I did thank you" "you're welcome" I smiled and pulled back "now go on, I bet your family will want to see you" I smiled and walked off.

*Jae pov*
I watched at Rin kissed key on he cheek and my heart sunk I really thought she started to like me the way I liked her but I guess I was wrong maybe she liked Hyung. "Jae relax she's just happy that he believed in her" Raejoon said putting her hand on my shoulder and I turned around as Rin came back "let's go back to JYP, I'm sure my uncle will want to see me" Rin said and I let out a sigh "let's go" I said and Rin grabbed my arm and I pulled it out of her grip and kept walking.

*Rin pov*
I held onto Jae's arm as we went to walk only to have him pull it out of my grip I was so confused, did I do something wrong, was he upset that I remembered everyone? I didn't understand, I looked at Hyekyung as she shrugged her shoulders and I stopped in place "actually you guys run a head I'll catch up" I side and everyone but Jae stopped and I turned away and walked towards BigHit. "Annyeong" I said with a bow as I walked in "RIN!!" I stood straight and felt arms wrap around me "Annyeong oppa" I smiled seeing Jungkook and Taehyung "yah you got your memory back!" Jimin pointed out and I let out a sigh and nodded my head "what's wrong isn't that a good thing?" Seokjin asked and I shrugged my shoulders "I mean it should be but it feels like it's not" I said and Jungkook hugged me again "aww Rin what happened?" He asked and we all sat against the wall "I was really happy that I remembered and Jae just didn't seem like he cared, it seemed like he was upset that I remembered" I sighed and they all looked at me "why would Jae be upset?" Namjoon asked and I shrugged my shoulders "well Jae is an idiot to be upset with you for something like remembering we're all happy you remember and I'm pretty sure everyone else is too" Yoongi nudged me and I let out a small smile "yah yeodongsang do you want to see our comeback dance?" Hoseok asked and I nodded.

*Sohee pov*
I walked to BigHit to see my sister and walked past BTS's room and saw Rin in there laughing and smiling did she really remember just like Raejoon and Hyekyung said? I went to open the door when I felt a tap on my shoulder "Aren't you suppose to be at therapy?" I turned to see Somi with her arms crossed "Unnie I really don't need therapy" I sighed and she looked through The door "yah isn't that Hyorin?" She asked looking behind me and I nodded "does she remember?" She asked and again I nodded my head "why doesn't she need therapy?" She asked and I shrugged "maybe because I remember that accident and she doesn't?" I sighed and she nodded her head and pulled me out of BigHit "we're going to your therapy" she said and I let out a sigh, I really didn't want to go their was no point to it!

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