Im fine thank you

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*Rins pov*
"Ya what happened to JB....and Rin?" Dylan looked at me with tears in his eyes, "how did you not know what happened where were you during the last song?!" GD growled making Dylan step back, "I was back stage talking to JYP about being in a web toon..." He said and I smiled "good luck" I said and everyone looked at me "I'm proud of you oppa, you haven't even debuted yet and you're already going to be in a web toon" I smiled forcing myself to sit up. "Yeah Nuna you should stay laying down" Hyunwoo said and I shook my head "Aniyo I'm fine dongsang" I said sitting up.
I sat up and looked around the room seeing all my group members even GD and Seungri "yah oppa!" I smiled looking to the door seeing Seungri, Raejoon turned her head and say Seungri "Oppa I told u to go home" she said and he walked in "I couldn't go home knowing Rin was hurt, plus I took this day off to see you I didn't want to go back already" he said and I smiled "how's JB oppa?" I asked "he's good he's awake" JJ said making me smile "can I go see him?" I asked and they nodded, Jae and Key helped me up and walked with me to see JB.

*Jae POV*

I was still worried about Rin seeing her in this state what happened to cause all this, and why her why not me? "Hyung, Rins here" Bambam said and JB turned his head "Yah, Rin-ah Gwenchana?!?!" JB asked and she nodded her head "Mianhae I didn't se...

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I was still worried about Rin seeing her in this state what happened to cause all this, and why her why not me? "Hyung, Rins here" Bambam said and JB turned his head "Yah, Rin-ah Gwenchana?!?!" JB asked and she nodded her head "Mianhae I didn't see you when I-" "Kwenchana it wasn't your fault I should have payed attention" she smiled and so did JB "Komawo" she thanked, and JB nodded his head "Rin-ah how did you fall though?" Mark asked and Rins eyes went wide as she put her head down, "I don't know" she said and her grip got tighter on my arm "do you want to go back?" I whispered and she nodded her head "annyong!" Rin waved and got7 all waved back as we walked out.
We got back to the room and stood in there alone was Dylan "Hyung where did the others go" key asked and he shrugged his shoulders.
Rin walked to the bed and sat on the edge "Yah Hyungs can I talk to Rin alone?" Dylan asked and we nodded out heads and walked out.

*Dylans Pov*
"It was your ankle wasn't it?" I asked and she put her head down "Lee Hyorin was it?" I asked using her her full name knowing she would answer "Yes okay! It was!" She yelled and I could hear her holding back tears, "if you knew it hurt that bad why did you go out?" I asked standing in front of her, "because I was fine until I moved fast to dodge JB which the pain caused me to fall okay!" She growled getting annoyed, "yah Rin-ah just don't ever worry me like that again okay?" I sighed and she put her head back down "arasseo" she said with a light tone and the door swung open.

*Sohee's pov*
"Yah! You knew you couldn't dance with your ankle and you still went out! Than you fell! Now from your act you cause JB oppa to break his arm and get a concussion and ur ankle they still have to look at it and your concussion were you even thinking!?" Raejoon yelled, Raejoon was the mother figure in our group and Bo Na was like the father, "Rin you got to think about possibilities before you do stuff like this!" Bo Na said and Rin just kept her head down, "guys" I said but no one heard me "guys!" I said again but they all kept talking I looked over at Dylan who flashed me a small smile, I cleared my throat and took a deep breath "YAH!" I screamed and they all looked at me including Rin "Give her a break! So she did what she did, that's in the past okay, let's just worry about her, and how fast she's going to recover, Fighting Unnie" I smiled and so did Rin.
"Wow who knew the Maknae could speak like this" Raejoon laughed and my eyes narrowed "Yah take a joke" she laughed messing up my hair.
I walked over to rain and hugged her and saw a boot cast on her leg, "I thought it was just your ankle" I said and she nodded her head "it is but my ankle is part of my leg" she laughed and I felt so stupid that I laughed at myself.

*Hyekyung pov*

Rin and JB got put in the car and we all drove to the JYP building, I stayed with Rin as she stayed in the nurses office while the others went out for dinner, than to bring Rin back something

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Rin and JB got put in the car and we all drove to the JYP building, I stayed with Rin as she stayed in the nurses office while the others went out for dinner, than to bring Rin back something. Rin took out her phone and grabbed a lollipop than a fan had sent her and took a picture, "feeling better don't worry thanks for your gifts and wishes FIGHTING!" She said and posted her picture on IG. "What the fans can stop worrying now" she said and I shook my head with a small laugh. "God I'm starving" she said and leaned back "they all went to eat they said they would bring back something for you" I sold and she nodded her head. "Okay Rin, your concussion is only miner, still take it easy for the next two weeks, no dancing or and loud noises so no singing, your ankle isn't broken just twisted and swollen, so we will have you put in a cast no so pressure on your ankle for a week okay, and you will get crutches" the nurse said and clipped the clip board back and he end of the bed and walked out.
"So you guys will have to go the next part of the competition without me" Rin sighed and I looked down.

*JJ pov*

We walked back to the JYP building and walked to the nurses office, "here Rin-ah, it's just a burger and fries" I said hand in her the food "I don't care I'm starving" she said ripping the bag from my hands.

 I looked over as Jessy held the clipboard and looked at Rin, "two weeks, so you won't be in the next round of the competition?" She and and we all looked at Rin as she shook her head "that just means we have to work harder, we can do this guys" B...

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I looked over as Jessy held the clipboard and looked at Rin, "two weeks, so you won't be in the next round of the competition?" She and and we all looked at Rin as she shook her head "that just means we have to work harder, we can do this guys" Bo Na said and the others all nodded with sad looks "guys after two weeks I will be fine okay" Rin laughed trying to lighten the atmosphere a bit and we all sat down, "Mianhae" Rin said grabbing out attention, "if I would have stayed off stage when I hurt my ankle none of them would have happened" she said but no one said a word.
"I hope you have a fast recovery" I smiled and Rin smiled back "I will I'll make sure I do so I can get back in this competition!" She cheered keeping a positive attitude, as we all walked out.

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