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*Rins pov*
We got to the auditorium and saw everything changed "Ajussi what's going on?" I asked as everyone was sitting down"you really thought is was going to be an actual live performance?" JYP asked and we all nodded our heads, "well it's on the V app, so guys get to your dance room, with Junho and Sungjin and we will set up the V app, and tomorrow we will put your guys video on, and who Evers video gets more views within 24hrs wins this round and who ever wins this round gets to perform first on JYP rookies TV with their small group" JYP said and I filled with excitement. Next week was when JYP rookies Started on Mnet and I was more than ready to perform.

*Dylans pov*
We all went to our practice room and sat against the wall as the five of them danced to their song 'Hey You' as I was watching I realized the first 30seconds of it they used to the move Rin used when she was just fooling round with the song I looked over at her and noticed her smiling when they did that, KH being main dancer got his own part which was good, him having a solo dance part might help us more by showing JYP our individual skills and the rapping went really well and everything was just put together smoothly. I looked over at Rin and noticed she didn't take her eyes off Jae or Key which made me smile, I knew by letting her go I did the right thing, but if she gets hurt by either of them it's something I will regret, Rin was my first love but knowing she didn't feel the same I had to get over her before i was hurt by her going for Key or Jae.

*Raejoons pov*
I looked back seeing Dylan and Rin standing beside eachother and Dylan kept looking over at her but with hurt behind his eyes, I looked over at Rin than forward and noticed her watching Key than Jae the entire time. The guys finished and we all clapped and cheered for them, they bowed to the camera, and the V episode ended. "Waaa you guys were amazing!" Rin said making Jae smile "but the first 30 seconds I-" Jae and Key quickly covered her mouth and smiled while Rin stood there glaring at them, what was going on between these three? "It's only been 7 months now since Jae has been here and he's already this close to my niece" JYP said looking surprised and Jae quickly removed his hand from Rin's mouth making us all laugh.
(So I did a thing, and a new character will be coming in soon)
"Yeah Raejoon when is your friend coming over you said it was today right?" Hyekyung asked and I nodded my head, I took out my phone and looked at her text "she said in another hour she would be here" I said and Bo Na let out a sigh, "Unnie I'm so excited to meet her but why is it taking so long for her to get here?" She said and I laughed with her impatience and walked off. All of the JYP rookies walked into the biggest dance room in the building where we usually went to eat or chill "yeah look at all the cameras set up" Rin pointed out "Got7 is probably filming something in here like usual for Real Got7" KH said making us just shrug off the cameras.

*JJ pov*
Part of me felt like these cameras were here for us but part of me also believed that they were for another group cause if they were for us how would JYP have known that we all would have came here today? "CHICKEN!" Rin yelled and we all looked at her "what its chicken it's good don't judge me" she said as we all sat down in a circle with the food in the middle of us. I looked over as Sohee tried to feed some to Hyunwoo and he sat there judging her, but once she gave up he grabbed her wrist and took a bite of the chicken and went back to eating normally I watched as Sohee started to blush and looked away "so Rin what's better Canadian chicken or Korean chicken" KH asked and she sat there looking at us "okay you guys who lived in America know what KFC tastes like so don't ask me" she said and KH just looked at her"I'm Korean not half like 75% of you" he said and Rin looked up "oh than this chicken for sure" she smiled making KH laugh.

*Jae pov*
Key and I sat beside Rin while Dylan sat across from her, I knew Dylan let her go, but part of me knew he regretted giving her up, "Rin-ah want a drink?" Key asked and he shook her head, he got up and grabbed three bottles bringing them back out for me, Rin and himself. "Yah I said I didn't want one" she said and key smiled "I know but it saves you from having to get one when you need one" he said causing her to nudge him "Rin are busy laster?" KH asked and she shook her head "can you meet me in the practice room after?" He asked causing everyone to stop and look at them "uh yeah sure..." I knew she felt awkward from everyone watching her for an answer.

*KH pov*
Rin and I walked to the dance room and I locked the door and pulled the blind down and she looked at me confused "all the guys think I Know how to do martial art tricks but I don't can you teach me?" I asked and she shook her head, "front flip sure and martial arts tricking I can't" she said and I nodded my head "fine" "think of it as a summersault you know how to do that right?" She asked and I nodded my head "well it's like that but in the air" she added and I nodded trying to understand Rins only been in Korea for a year so I knew it was still hard for her to speak in Korean so understanding her was a bit hard. After two hours I was finally able to do a flip and Rin smiled "you did it!" She cheered and hugged me "now I'm unlocking the door they've been trying to get in here for a while" she said.
She walked to the door and unlocked it, than opened it to walk out and there was Dylan, Hyunwoo and JJ "Annyong" Rin said and went to walk off when Hyunwoo grabbed her wrist "what were you two doing in here?" Dylan asked making me confused, why was he protective over her, he gave her up? "Nothing she was teaching me a dance move" I said and JJ laugh "if that's all than why was the door locked and the blinds down?" he asked and Rin let out a sigh and ripped her hand from Hyunwoo's grip "because we wanted privacy and that's hard to get around here" she said looking at Dylan than walked off.

*Hyunwoo's pov*
When Rin said that right to Dylan I became confused, he liked her got hurt by Key gave her up and now she's acting like this to him, "Hyung what's wrong with Nuna?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulders "it's obvious, Rin liked him and within a day of him liking her he just dropped her for Key to pick her up" JJ said and Dylan glared it him "YAH! I didn't drop her, I just let her go, Key liked her first and who was I to get in the way of that?!" He yelled as Key and Jae walked down the hall, "Hyung are you okay?" Jae asked and Dylan let out a sigh "I'm fine" he said "well the girls are still in the room Rin got there as we left so we will probably go back after we go get candy from down stairs" Key said and we nodded out heads "you guys want anything?" Jae asked and we shook our heads. 

*Keys pov*
Jae and I walked down stairs down the street a bit to the convenient store and grabbed a lot of candy and chocolate, we turned to look at the door and saw it crowded with about 10-15 girls "go through the back door" the owner said "thank you" we said and bowed, we waved to the fans and bowed to them and snuck out the back door and ran to the JYP building "wow you two look tired we were about to go and see what was taking so long" Bo Na said as her and Raejoon were by the door "The convenient store door became crowded so we had to go out the back"Jae and and Bo Na laughed, "Come on You guys probably missed it by now but Rin and JJ are play fighting and they are not going easy on each other at all KH has had to pull JJ off at times and Jinhee has had to pull Rin off at times its entertaining" Raejoon laughed as we got to the door, we walked inside and saw both JJ and Rin out of breath and laying on the ground "so who won?" Jae asked as we walked in and they both pointed at each other.

*Sohee's pov*
"Our part of the competition is tomorrow" Hyekyung said with a bit of nervousness in her voice "you guys will do fine" Rin said her voice sounding extremely exhausted  "I'm sure you guys will do fine" Parker smiled and I smiled back, "But we're still going to beat you guys this round I just know it" he teased and I narrowed my eyes on him "you also said that last time and who won?" Jessy teased back and Parker looked away and drank from his water "in the end it doesn't matter who wins, because in the following year the other group will be debuting" Rin said as we all threw our garbage at her "Yah it does matter who wins! Cause if we win that means we're better than you" JJ laughed and Rin snapped up "I have my energy back don't make me hurt you" she said and JJ pushed himself away making us all laugh. "Here's for tomorrow" Rin said raising her water bottle "FIGHTING!" We all yelled and sat on the floor to just relax.

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