You're Pitiful

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Jei-Bo Na
Cao lu- Raejoon
Linzy- Hyekyung

*Sohee's pov*
I couldn't wait for Hyunwoo's or Rin's reaction to our dance because usually we all have our cute innocent concept but Raejoon requested a sexy concept but asked if it was okay for Hyekyung and I since we're the youngest members and I agreed cause maybe it would get Hyunwoo to see me as a women and not just a girl, we changed into white shirts and got 5 of the day6 members to be our backup dancers. We walked out and set up the chairs and started our dance.
I looked over while dancing at Hyunwoo who had a shocked look on his face, as he kept watching me, I honestly felt my cheeks turn a slight red because I was happy he was noticing me and only me.

*Raejoons pov*
I liked showing a sexy side to us instead of how the guys know us all, they always annoyed me with the your so cute comments, but this performance was to show that not only do we have a cute side but also a sexy side, the guys all watched in 'Aw' as we danced and had the day6 members dance with us, wrapping us in their jackets and everything, it went exactly as I hoped, so everyone got to see a different side of us and hopefully for small groups Bo Na, Hyekyung and I would be able to show another concept.

*Rin pov*
The girls sat there on their chairs with day6 members behind them in their white shirts and black short shorts when they started singing I knew right away they made it a sexy concept and my eyes went wide, honestly I was quiet happy I didn't take part in this because I don't know if I ever would have been able to pull off a sexy concept, but seeing Sohee able to pull it off gave me some hope, of being able to since she was the Maknae. I watched in amazement as Sohee did her rap and I tried so hard not to clap since it was live and the viewers on the V app needed to concentrate on the performance. I looked over at Hyunwoo who looked jealous every time Dowoon wrapped his jacket around her which made me laugh a bit.

*Hyunwoo pov*
I watched as the girls walked out and sat on their chairs and I honestly couldn't even tell if they were wearing pants or not until KH pointed out they were wearing black short shorts. I watched as they stared dancing and my attention could just not leave Sohee at only 13 she was doing a sexy concept at just 13! And she was able to pull it off! And her rap was amazing like everything went so smooth for her, the only parts I didn't like was when Dowoon would wrap the jacket around her and hug her, I wish it was me up their in his place.

*Jae pov*
I looked over at Rin as she watched the girls and she looked surprised by the dance, I wish she would have been up there with them, even though her face is like Sohee's cute and innocent I think she would be able to pull it off she is what you could call the middle child of their group Sohee, Hyekyung, and Jessy are younger than her, while Bo Na and Raejoon are older, so she's a middle child like Jessy, but if you looked at her she was the 2nd shortest in the group so she looked close enough to be the youngest. I looked at the views for the V app so far and so far they had 1k but they had till tomorrow morning to raise it up.

*JJ pov*
The song ended and we all cheered and the girls ran out to change, "wow Rin did you know it was that type of concept?" Dylan asked and she shook her head "I was filming the webtoon with you while hey practiced how would I have known?" She asked giving Dylan the your an idiot look making me laugh "in all honesty I was surprised Sohee and Hyekyung could pull it off" KH said and we all nodded in agreement, "they are both so young this concept just surprised me" JYP said and Rin looked up "but they did good right?" She and and we all nodded.

*Bo Na pov*
We all walked out to everyone talking  about our performance "sooooooooo" Sohee smiled and they all turned to us "Yah you're to young for that concept!" Dylan yelled making us laugh, "yeah oppa I'm never to young to do something!" She yelled back which surprised him but it didn't surprise us, Sohee hated being told that she was to young to do something everyone new that well I guess except for Dylan "it was really good who helped you?" Key asked "Momo and Min came in Raejoon made the dance they helped us fix parts" I said and JYP nodded "well let's see how many fans hearts each video by tomorrow than starting the following week I. The first episode of JYP rookies And we're going to open the show with Rin doing a dance number, bring in our judges introduce the groups members and everything than move into the small groups" he said and Rins eyes went wide "why do I have to do a dance number?!" She asked and JYP looked at her "because the Main dancer wasn't able to dance and the fans know your okay from the webtoon so to make it up to them you're going to do a dance who knows if you complain I might make u do a whole performance" he said and all the guys went oooooooo as Rin shook her head "it's okay the dance is fine" she said and we all laughed.

*Key pov*
I was excited to know that Rin was going to open JYP rookies with a self produced dance but I also felt bad because that same day she had to dance run back stage and get ready for her next performance as a small group so now I really hope that we beat the girls so than when the guys go first for their small groups it gives her time to change and practice for her small group.
"JYP when do we figure out who won again?" Hyunwoo asked "well if you guys want I can tell you how much you guys got because after 24hrs I stopped counting ur hearts" he said and the Guys all nodded "4,224,780 hearts" he said and our eyes went wide "just over 4mill wow girls good luck beating that" Jae laughed, I looked over at Rin who didn't look surprised by the likes "what??" She asked and I just looked at her "if you're wondering why I'm not surprised it's because your guys dance was really good" she said and I smiled, Rin was known much for compliments but when she gave out compliments she really meant it.

-next day-
*Dylan's pov*
We all gathered back into the practice room to find out the girls hearts in the video so we could finally see who won "oh my gosh what's taking JYP so long" Sohee whined as she paced back and forth "right the suspense is killing me!" Bo Na added Rin sat there on her phone taking selfies and videos of the members being impatient and posting them on Instagram "Ya Rin-ah how are you so calm?!" Jessy asked and Rin looked up at them "hmmmm maybe because I didn't take part in this competition" she laughed and Hyekyung crossed her arms "maybe not, but you have your solo dance on the first episode of JYP rookies too" she said and Rin let out a sigh "a one minute dance is nothing for me to stress about" she said getting up as JYP walked in "okay girls it was close but your video got 4,223,906" we all cheered since we finally beat the girls, even though we really thought they had this one, I looked over at Rin as she looked relieved "hey you looked relieved that we beat you" JJ said and Rin laughed "you didn't beat me you beat them" she laughed and so did he. "Now a reminder your small groups are Rin, Sohee, Jessy & Bo Na, Raejoon and Hyekyung, guys, Jae, Key and Dylan, & JJ KH and Hyunwoo, may the best small group win" he said and Rin turned to Bo Na "good luck" she smiled as the three of them walked off.

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