Jyp rookies Result

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Short last chapter

*Sohee pov*
"Ahhh I'm so nervous!!" Hyekyung said shaking as we stood backstage for the last episode of JYP rookies and honestly I was quiet nervous too, all of us worked so hard, and so did the guys so it would be devastating to have to wait a year for a debut. "Where's Rin?" Bo Na asked lookin around and none of us saw her I felt my phone ring and saw Somi's name. "Yah Somi!" I smiled "hey, I can't talk long, I have recording to do today, but I just wanted to call you and wish you good luck" she said and I smiled "I'll be watching since this episode is live FIGHTING!" She cheered "Komawo Unnie" I laughed and we both hung up and I walked back "the show starts soon we can't walk out there without her" Jessy said and we nodded "why not you walked out once without me" Raejoon whined "Rin is the leader it wouldn't look good" Hyekyung said and Raejoon nodded.
I looked over seeing Rin hiding and I started to laugh "found her" I said pointed out as she walked behind wardrobe being wheeled towards us "what is he doing?" Jessy asked and Raejoon looked down "Rin-ah" she said pulling her off.

*Raejoon pov*
I looked down at the necklace Key bought her and took a deep breath, I walked over to her and pulled her around the corner "here" I said and she looked down "waa Raejoon it's beautiful!" She smiled and I smiled back "I know that's why I told him to get it, but I can't tell you who, if he sees you wear it he will come up to you" I smiled and she looked surprised, "I'll put it on for you" I said and she lifted her hair up us I put it around her neck.

*Jyp pov*
"welcome back to the last episode of JYP rookies, these two groups have worked hard these past couple months to, win your votes and love, so please welcome, the rookies" I motioned my hand left and right as the girls came out from the right and the boys the left "now is the choice, the subunits have been revealed but now which group is it that's ready to debut" I looked over seeing the girls and guys both looking nervous and it made me smile.

*JJ pov*
"BOTH!" My head snapped up hearing that, was this competition nothing? "The competition was to promote, and showcase the artists talents to the fans, to build up a fan base, both groups are going to promote and debut at the same time, I call it the first ever JYP vs JYP most fans probably wonder why I'm doing this, we'll both groups are really close, and have shown how competitive they are, and I want to see how competitive they both are against other idols" he announced and I was in shock, he wanted us to compete against them, for award shows and popularity, this was going to be hard.

*Hyekyung pov*
I was nervous to hear Jyp saying we had to compete against the guys in award shows, and promotions, what about when the MAMAs come, Will only one of us be nominated, or will we both be nominated for rookie groups? It's been my dream to win awards but JYP artists rarely won awards it was always SM or YG since they were bigger companies with more popular idols, and it would be hard.

*Dylan pov*
I was a little scared to compete against the girls because they had a bigger fan base than we did which was shown through the fan votes. So I felt a little uneasy "Rin and Key the leaders please step forward and make your speeches so we can end the show for tonight" JYP said and they both walked off "do you want to go first?" Rin laughed and key shrugged "I guess so" he walked forward with his mic in his hand "I just wanted to thank the judges, Amber, IU, Jay park and JYP for helping us and guiding us through our path and shaping who we are today and to our fans for being there with us since the beginning for for the future fans, I hope you grow to love us and take care of us thank you" Rin clapped and looked a bit hesitant at what she was going to say "ahh I don't know how to beat that speech but I'll try, uhm I want to thank the fans, you guys are amazing and I'm so happy you're here for us, with out you guys none of this would have been the slightest bit possible, I hope you guys continue to love and support us, and we will work harder for you guys, for the judges for helping us and making us better at what we do, to JYP for discovering us and our talents giving us a chance and not giving up on us, and lastly to our families-" Rin stopped as her voice began to shake I felt bad because Rin hasn't seen her parents since she came to JYP, the last time she saw them was at the hospital and they haven't been around much since "uh sorry, our families for believing our dreams, and for letting most of us come half way across the world to reach for our dreams, without your love and support we wouldn't be who we are today, thank you" she cried and the girls all crowded her hugging her and so did we.

*JYP pov*
Hearing Rin's speech brought a smile to my face and the rookies comforted her, causing a reaction to the fans and even her fans were moved to tears. Which was nice, it showed the impact ones emotions have on others. Seeing the reaction of these two groups made me smile "now please welcome JYPs new girl group Harmony, and JYPs new male group Hyde" I announced and everyone cheered. I couldn't wait to see what these rookies had in store for the world.
"One last announcement, Harmony is a seven member group" I said and everyone looked confused, "please welcome Harmonys newest member Bora!" Bora walked out on stage and Raejoons eyes lit up "Bora!" She cheered and hugged her "but how?" "I was training here for 5 months, and he said I would fit right in with you guys, he didn't want to waste a talent" bora smiled but the others didn't look to impressed.

Crappy last chapter I know

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