JYP rookies pt9

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Jae- Eunho kim (In front)
JJ- hat
Key- No hat

*Jae pov*

The three of us agreed to do a dance to Earned it by The Weekend And honestly I think it would be one of the best dances, we danced more to the beat than to the words which is what Jay park does in a lot of his songs. I like to party for example, "Okay we got the dance down where should we stand for our formation?" JJ asked and Key looked at us "Jae you know the dance the best so I want you in the front, I'll stand to your Right JJ you stand to his left but back a bit" Key said we stood and looked at ourselves in the mirror, "Okay lets do the dance again, and see how this looks" He said and we agreed. I went to play the music than walked back to the front and continued the dance. "Good, Great!" Key kept calling out. Once we finished Key had a huge smile on his face "I think we got this" He smiled and so did JJ and I.

*JJ pov*

Our introduction Video played while we stood to the side of the stage I looked out seeing the girls all sitting on the stage but off to the side and the guys in the back on stage, I felt like being last had the most pressure because you had your label mates, the fans and the judges watching you, where if you went first you only had the fans and the judges. We walked out and everyone cheered as we stood there, until the music started. The song Started and from the corner of my eye I caught Rin and Jessy Stand up and quickly sit back down making me laugh a bit, We started to dance and Jay park bobbed his head and watched really close to our dance. near the end we all agreed for me to do a flip so once the song ended I ran up and did a B-twist and everyone cheered and Jay park shot up clapping "amazing!" He said after sitting back down "JJ that b twist I mean who knew you could do that?! And Jae it was nice to see you get more recognition and be at the front, and Key you are really improving man keep it up" I let out a sigh of relief and smiled when Jay park complimented us, he was really hard to please and we finally did.

*key pov*
After the performance we to the back of the stage and sat with the guys "that was really good you guys, didn't know you really had it in you" Hyunwoo smiled and we smiled back "thanks Hyunwoo" Jae smiled, we watched as the judges talked and I was scared Hyunwoo's group was really good so I was worried we wouldn't win this round, and Sohee vs Rin this was the first time, so I wanted to see who would win there.
"Okay all four of you were amazing but we have decided to give the win to Rin, Raejoon, Bo Na & Key, Jae and JJ. But the others don't be upset we have seen all your styles of dancing so later on small groups will be announced, and it's possible that some of the winners today could or couldn't be part of the subunit, so heads up, and the subunits will be announced on the Next Episode of JYP Rookies, see you next time" JYP announced and with that the show for today ended.

Sorry for the terrible chapter I didn't know how to wright it. And it took desk long to post because working two jobs I just don't have a lot of free time lately. I'm so sorry.

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