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*Hyunwoo's POV*

We left the restaurant and the girls manager came to pick them up while Dylan and I decided to walk back to our Dorms. "Hyung" I said getting his attention "What are you and Rin?" I asked but he just shrugged his shoulders "Friends I guess" He replied and I gave him a slight glare "Hyung, you don't look at her as a friend do you? The way you looked at Rin is different than the way you look at Elle, and Jessy and the others, Do you like Nuna?!" I asked and Dylan stopped and looked at me "Even if I did I can't do anything about it, Jae and Key like her, but I don't know if I do" He growled and I crossed my arms "Hyung, you are both the 'money makers' you will probably spend a lot of time together doing photo shoots, dramas, and CFs just saying" I sighed and continued to walk with Dylan following behind.

"What about you and Sohee hmm?" Dylan asked making me smile "Shes a friend who I really like to tease, since I know she likes me" I smiled and Dylan glared, Since Elle was the youngest of all of us, he looked to her as a younger sister and protected her, the two he was protective over the most was Rin and Elle, and the other girls two but mostly them two since thats who he was closest too. "Aish, sometimes I just want to hit you" He hissed looking at me and walked off.

"OPPA!" I turned to the fimiliar voices and saw Hyekyung and Raejoon behind us but Dylan kept walking "Hyung wait! Are you going to make two girls walk alone?" I asked and he put his head down and stopped. "Dylan Oppa, we saw you leave with Rin and Sohee where did they go?" Hyekyung asked and Dylan shrugged his shoulders "Your manager brought them back to the dorm" I said and the two girls looked a us "We don't have a manager yet" Raejoon said and Dylans attention snapped right towards us "What do you mean? Rin said your manager was outside waiting for them so they left right after dinner" He said walking towards us and the girls shook their heads "We just left because Jessy was wondering how the shoot went, and so we went out to look for you two, and we saw you two hoping you would know were Sohee and Rin are?"

*Dylans Pov*

Hearing that Rin and Sohee don't have a manager made me worry, Who could have picken them up, are they in danger? I quickly patted my jeans and grabbed my phone calling Rin "Ya! Where are you?" ... "We're still driving to the dorm why?" ... "Get out of the car" ... "Dylan whats going on?" ... "You don't have a manager, Hyekyung and Raejoon told us, now get out of the car" ... "Dylan We're fine, we're going to the dorm jst meet us there okay?" .. "Rin wait"

Rin ended the call and I quickly ran to the Dorm leaving Hyunwoo and the others, I paced back and forth when a van finally pulled up "How does it take you this long to get here?!" I yelled as Sohee and Rin got out "Oppa are you okay?" Sohee asked ...

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Rin ended the call and I quickly ran to the Dorm leaving Hyunwoo and the others, I paced back and forth when a van finally pulled up "How does it take you this long to get here?!" I yelled as Sohee and Rin got out "Oppa are you okay?" Sohee asked I quickly walked over to her checking her over to make sure she was okay and wasn't hurt, Rin looked at me confused and I walked over and grabbed her chin to examine her also and she pushed my hand away "Ya, are you okay? Drunk? Sick?" Rin asked and I grabbed her arm and pulled her into a hug, I didn't even care that she didn't hug me back I was just happy her and Sohee were okay. "Oppa get off, what is wrong with you?" Rin asked pushing me off, but I didn' respond, I stood there and smiled. "Unnie lets go Dylan is scaring me" Sohee said and grabbed Rin's arm.

*Hyunwoos pov*

I walked with Hyekyung and Raejoon back to the dorms not understanding why Dylan just ran off the way he did, I got to the practice room and saw Dylan and the others "YA! What the heck?!" I said getting everyones attention "What?" JJ asked but my eyes never left Dylan "You just ran off why?" "Ahh That, Well Hyekyung and Raejoon said the girls didn't have a manager so when Rin left with their 'manager' I got worried and ran here and waited for them, but I talked to JYP and that's just a CF manager, they don't have a group manager yet, the guy is mine and Rin's CF manager so I just got worried about Sohee and Rin" He said and I nodded my head "Is Rin okay?" Jae asked and Dylan smiled nodding his head. "Okay can we get back to practicing we can't let the girls win the first round" Key said trying to get us all to focus "our dance is better than theirs we're good" KH laughed and Key shook his head "Ani, our dance may be better but their vocals, rap, dance everything they look more professional than us, so we need to practice we have 3 days guys, we can't blow this or else the girls will debut first and we could be waiting either a couple months or another year so lets go" Key said getting us all together and we started to practice. 

*Dylan Pov*

"Yo Hyunwoo come here" I called and Hyunwoo came over he sat beside me as I grabbed the laptop, we hacked into the security camera and spied on the girls as usual, and started laughing, "Jae its your girl" Hyunwoo called and Jae walked over, I became confused until Hyunwoo pointed out Rin to Jae, which made me feel a little uneasy "she sure is weird" Jae smiled as we watched all the girls taking a break while Rin and Jessy were acting weird, randomly dancing to songs, and looked like singing lyrics, and at times Rin would spin around or run in circles, which was cute. We watched as their door opened, and TWICE walked in.

TWICE was JYPs new rookie girl group they debuted 2 months ago, and just 2 weeks ago JYPs first band Day6 debuted, so now the girls and us are competing to be the next group to debut, everyone thinks this year is the Year for JYP the competition between us and them is being aired on TV as JYPROOKIES on Mnet and it will be three months of competing than 4 months to prepare, so by 2016 New Year's Eve one of us will debut. 

We watched the cameras, and saw Sohee talking with TWICE the most and same with the other girls as Rin stood off the side a bit, being anti-social as usual, her and TWICE got along mostly her and Momo, but since Momo was busy I assume she didn't care much that they visited, she usually ignored the others unless Momo was there or Somi, but since Somi left, Rin's only associated with Momo.

Sorry for the really short chapter, didn't know what to wright, and I have very crappy internet at the new house, so I just tried to update what I could.

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