New look

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The new hair styles for each female member

*Jyp pov*
"RIN-ah! Get the girls lets go!" I yelled and she let out the loudest sigh ever "why can't you doing it" she whined banging on each members dorm door "yah wake up!" She yelled banging on the doors causing the guys to all open their doors "Rin shut up ur so loud!" KH yelled and Rin just stuck her tongue out and  continued to bang on the girls door.
After two hours the girls were finally awake and ready and we all got in the van "where are we going?" Hyekyung asked but I didn't answer. I pulled up in front of a saloon and the girls all looked confused, "tomorrow we get the results for debut so go in and get the hair you want" I said and they all walked inside and I followed behind. Rin looked hesitant but than she walked in and looked around.

*Bo Na pov*
I walked around looking at hair styles on the wall and in books but I didn't really see anything I liked. I sat in the chair and the hair dresser came behind me "find anything u like?" She asked and I shook my head "just cut it up to my jaw bone, and lighten up a bit" I smiled and she nodded her head.

*Sohee pov*
I sat In The chair as the dresser Walked towards me "I really like your hair" she smiled and I smiled back "what would you like to do to it?" She asked and I studied it in the mirror "can you lighten the blue and add purple?" I asked and she nodded "great" I smiled and she grabbed what she needed.

*Hyekyung pov*
I grabbed a picture from the hair style book and sat in the chair as a lady walked over "find anything you liked?" She asked and I held up the picture "so you just want blue underneath as strikes?" She asked and I nodded "I don't want anything too different so I thought this would look good" I smiled and so did she.

*Raejoon pov*
I watched as the girls all got their hair dyed and I grabbed the colour off the wall of what I wanted "red?" The lady asked and I nodded "red with bangs across and thin out my hair a bit I think it will look pretty, I can't have it look bad Seungri from Bigbang is my boyfriend so my hair needs to look good no matter what!" I said and she let out a smile "trust me I'll make your hair look perfect" she smiled and I felt relaxed, I was happy the dresser knew what she was doing and promised me it would be perfect.

*Jessy pov*
I sat in the chair and looked at the pink fading in my hair "aww your hair looked faded here do you just want to touch it up?" An older lady asked "uh no, I'll just dye it all black and can I get bangs across the front?" I asked and she nodded her head "great thank you" I smiled and she smiled back.

*Rin pov*
I watched as the girls all sat in their chairs they All knew what they wanted and how they wanted it but I on the other hand had no idea what I wanted. "Hyorin did you find anything?" My uncle asked and I shook my head "do you have any idea to what you want?" He asked and I shook my head again and he let out a sigh "by the end of today do you think you will know?" He asked and I nodded "okay well I'll get One of the guys to bring you down here later on today if you want?" He sighed and I felt like I was in the way of something "if it's not going to mess up any schedule you have I would like that" I said and he smiled and nodded his head.
We got back and the girls were all freaking over how different their hair was and I knew this was the start to something knew, cause every comeback idols usually change their hair or style.
"Rin you didn't get anything done to your hair?" Dylan asked and I shook my head "it looks so dead compared to the others" Hyunwoo laughed and I slapped his hand away "Aish! You two are so annoying" I hissed and walked off. "Rin I thought you guys went out to do your hair" JJ asked and I nodded "I'm getting mine done later I really don't know what I want done yet" I shrugged and he nodded "well I think anything would look good on you" KH smiled and ruffled my hair before they both walked off "Aish why are the boys so annoying today" I sighed "annoying?" I turned seeing Jae and my eyes went wide "Annyeong" I bowed and walked off "Rin!" I felt my wrist grabbed but I didn't turn I remembered yesterday he was so upset with me and never told me why.

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