Jyp rookies pt6

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Yes again with the 4 short chapters again for sub units, I swear with will be the last 4 short chapters in a row!
But in my defence the last chapter was fairly long which makes up for these chapters. Hehe 🙊


*Sohee's pov*
The three of us chose to do 2pm's my house because it was their new song, and I think it would be great to do our seniors song for our no vocals just dance, but I didn't understand why it was just dance? "Okay I think we are good to perform tonight" Jessy smiled and so did the rest of us, the three of us worked really well together but it was different to work with Hyekyung instead of Rin since the three so us did almost everything together. The three of us went to walk on stage when Rin ran behind us "yah Jessy!" She Called and we all turned around "good luck guys FIGHTING!" She smiled and hugged each of us "I like that Rin was the leader of our group cause even when we have to compete against one another she is always there cheering us on and giving us support.

*Jessy pov*
We walked out on stage after a video played of a teaser of the three of us, we walked out and everyone started to cheer as we stood in our positions, I stood to the left, Hyekyung stood in the middle and Sohee stood to the right, I was hoping 2pm would see our cover of of their song and support us when we made our debut like they do for got7.
We started our dance and the fans cheered the whole way through bringing smiles to our faces, I was happy that we haven't even debuted yet, and we already had a lot of fans who awaited our debut.

*Hyekyung pov*
And again I was put in the front doing Jun.k's and Chansungs part Sohee did Taecyeon and Wooyoung and Nickhyun and Jessy did Junho Jay park really watched our dance but didn't have much emotion to it which worried me a bit, I really wanted to be apart of our subunit when we debuted. We finished our dance at the end turned around and made hearts than bowed, everyone clapped and it made me smile, hopefully Jay park focuses a lot on our team work.

"Okay uh, Sohee, Jessy and Hyekyung right?" Jay park asked and we all nodded our heads "I feel like it was to much identical to 2pm, I think some parts where 2pm doesn't dance they just do their own thing, I feel like you guys could have threw together some of your own moves you know?" He said and we nodded our heads "I thought it was good" IU smiled and Amber agreed "okay girls thank you" JYP said and we bowed to everyone again and walked to the side of the stage to sit down and watch the rest of the dancers.

"Hey guys don't put yourselves down over what Jay park said, cause the other groups could have probably done the same thing" Sohee said and we nodded our heads agreeing.

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