One Mic closing

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*Jessys pov*
We all walked out sang, danced and just had fun on stage to 10 out of 10, nobody & hands up it was fun, the boy groups went out and sang 10 out of 10 than all the girl groups went out and joined for nobody & hands up. I honestly didn't know one mic could be so much fun we got to get up close with the fans shake their hands sing to them, it was amazing. The guys would grab the girls hands give them high fives, point to them and it made them scream like crazy.
Rin dyed of laughter covering her mic as Jackson stole on of the fans LED signs and ran around with it and he gave it to her making her smile and she returned it back to the fan,and Mark took a fans phone taking selfies on it, no wonder girls loved got7 so much.

*Hyunwoo's pov*
Being able to have fun with all the JYP members on stage felt like just a day of fun, I got to bump hips with Jimin during nobody and fool around with Elle and the other band mates, I even messed up Bo Na's hair causing her to chase me, she even jumped on my back and messed up my hair, and Elle notice and looked upset by it, and I knew it made her jealous and seeing her jealous was cute, "Ya Sohee! Look out!" I yelled, she turned around and saw herself on the edge and quickly backed away, and the fans screamed in terror.

*Jae's Pov*
I turned to the fans scream in terror after we finished with hands up and everything stopped I looked down seeing Rin in JB's arms on the floor "Unnie!" "Hyung!" Momo and Junior yelled jumping off stage to get them, "wow first Sohee almost falls then Jb and Rin actually fall" Hyekyung pointed out, "what happened?" She asked and Bambam turned his head "Rin slipped and Jb went to help her and he pulled her into him causing him to fall too but they both hit the ground sidewise" he said and Hyekyung covered her mouth, we all stood as Momo and Sohee helped Rin while Junior and Taecyeon helped JB.

We all went back stage and the fans were talking and some were crying, I just really hoped they were both going to be okay, the stage is up to find jaw so it's a bit of a fall.

*Raejoons pov*
Witnessing the fall it really looked like it hurt, I couldn't tell wether they both hit their heads off the floor or not but they didn't look all there when they were helping them both up, I don't even know what caused Rin to fall? There was nothing for her to slip on. "Raejoon!" I turned my head to see Seungri and G-Dragon running down the hall, "Is she okay?!?" GD asked, and I shrugged my shoulders and he ran off towards her, ever since I Introduced Rin to GD last year he thought of her as a little sister and she thought of him as her older brother, so he protected her against netizens and helped her with her training too.
"Well besides what happened you guys performance was amazing!" He said and I crossed my arms "I thought you said you were too busy to come?" I said and he let out a small smile "that's because I wanted to surprise you I was going to come alone but GD wanted to see his little Rin perform too" he laughed "Raejoon lets go!" Bo Na called and I let out a sigh. "Mianhae Oppa but it's probably Rin, I'll keep you and GD updated okay I promise" I hugged Seungri and kissed him before running to Bo Na to know what the hell was going on.

*Sohee's Pov*
"Concussion what do you mean they have a concussion?!" GD yelled hearing the news that Rin and JB both hit their heads on the ground giving them a concussion and the JB hurt his arm and Rin hurt her ankle before she fell filled me with worry what was going to happen to the group what if it takes a while for her to recover? What if her ankle doesn't heal properly and she couldn't dance anymore? "Elle are you okay?" Hyunwoo asked and I let out a sigh "yea I just need some air" I said pushing past him and stood at the back of the building I could hear Suzy on the mic trying to reassure the fans that they were going to be okay, and only saying minor injuries nothing about a concussion or anything. "Elle you okay?" I turned my head to Hyunwoo and tears formed in my eyes "Parker that could have been me if you didn't yell for me to watch out I could have ended up like that too, but Rin, they said she had an ankle injury prior to the fall, why didn't she just stop instead of pushing herself causing this to happen?! Why can't she just learn when to stop!" Hyunwoo hugged me as I cried into his chest I was just so worried she just needed to get better and fast.

*Key pov*
Seeing Rin just laying in bed and GD beside her it confused me a bit, I knew they met but I didn't know they were close, "Yah, Nuna when did G-Dragon and Rin become so close?" I asked "hmmm when I introduced her to GD oppa last year, they just kept talking so he thinks of her as his yeodongsang and him her oppa" Raejoon said and continued to look out he window. I walked I to the other room and saw all the got7 members and some of the other groups members in the room "how's he doing?" I asked and Jun.K looked at me "ah he's doing well he woke up for a bit asked what happened and we got to tell him but than he fell back asleep, how about Rin-ah how's she doing?" I put my head down not knowing how she was, JB woke up Rin hasn't yet "hyung has she even woken up yet?" Yugyeom asked and I shook my head "I hope she will soon though" I said than walked out of the room.

*Rin pov*
(Before the fall)
I hurt my ankle during the Bassbot cover we did, but I didn't want to let that ruin my night, I massaged it when I could but I didn't feel like I needed to tell anyone, except Dylan he asked and could tell right away, but I begged him not to tell cause I'd be fine.
We got out on stage and fooled around during the last 10 minutes I took selfies with a couple of fans phones and got handed a fans sign that Jackson took than returned it.
"Unnie! Are you having fun?" Momo asked and I nodded my head. "Look out!" Momo yelled I turned and tried to dodge Jaebums flip causing my ankle to pound from the pain, "Unnie!" I felt myself get wrapped in someone arms as we both fell to the ground "Hyung!" I looked at everyone as it all went blurry I heard the scream of terror from the fans than everything after I couldn't really make out.

*JJs pov*
I sat in the room and changed the cloth on Rins head as GD just sat there looking emotionally drained "Sunbaenim do you want anything?" I asked and he shook his head slowly, I walked over and sat down and saw Rins head moving and her eyes squinting "JB oppa?" She said faintly "Rin-ah Gwenchana?!" GD asked his voice a bit loud for her liking, her eyes opened a little as she looked at him "ahh GD oppa" she smiled and I quickly ran out "Ya its Rin! She's okay!" I yelled and everyone in the practice room looked up and we all ran back down the hall to see Rin, we ran in and everyone was smiling in relief we turned our heads as Dylan walked in and looked at us all confused "Ya what happened to JB....and Rin?" He looked at Rin with tears in his eyes, where was he how didn't he know what happened?

Where do you think Dylan was during all this?

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