22. Please Don't Go

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Zayn's POV

"Good morning my love," I said as I got out of the shower and sat next to Liam.

He rolled over and rubbed his eyes to look at me. I smiled at him and gave a quick peck on his lips.

"What time is it?" He asked

"11:30 in the morning." I said.

"Oh shit!" He said then quickly got up and looked for clothes.

"What happened babe?"

"I have to her somewhere at 12," he said putting on some pants.

"Where?" I asked as I watched him scurry the room to find his shirt.

"Somewhere." He said as he just grabbed one is my shirts and put it on.

"Ooookay? When will you be back?"

"I don't know Zayn!!"

"Well I'm just asking because you said you wanted to come help with Harry's birthday...."

"Well I have plans," he said grabbing his wallet.

"You didn't have plans for today last night," I said.

"Well I made plans," he said putting his  shoes.

"When?" I asked.

"Last night after the whole..." He said walking out to the living room.

I followed him and stopped him before he could leave.

"Liam...if you're gonna be gone all day at least come home for dinner. Can we have dinner together today? Please?" I asked.

"I don't know Zayn," he said.

"We need to talk about last night. I can't just leave it hanging like that," I said.

"Zayn, last night when I said you're the one who pushed it off and said we can talk about it later." Liam said.

"And today is later," I said.

"I have to go Zayn just please move,"

"I love you," I said.

He looked at me for a brief second then moved past me to get through the door. After he left I sat down on the couch. I honestly don't know if he meant I break up or not but I couldn't let that happen so yeah I told him we'd talk about it tomorrow.

I understand that he was upset yesterday but he doesn't need to hide things from me about where he is going or whatever. If he's trying to make me feel what it's like to be in his position whenever I told him lies and all them congrats I understand how he feels, but I promised I would never do it again.

After a while of pondering what I should do, I drove to Louis's flat. I was hoping Liam wouldn't be there. He might have gone to hang out with Niall, but who knows.

"Hey Zayn!" Louis said opening the door.

"Hey, is Liam here?" I asked.

"No," he said.

"Okay," I said making my way in.

"What's up? You looking for Liam?"

"No. I just didn't want him to be here. I kinda just wanted to talk to you," I said.

"What's up?" He said sitting down on the couch.

I told him everything I was feeling. My frustrations and my regrets and all my feelings that had to do with Liam. I told him about our fight last night and this morning and I told him about the conversation we had last night.

I explained to him that I don't want to break up with Liam, but I think Liam is leaning toward it. Then I asked him what I could do but he gave me nothing more than a shrug and an apology.

Afterward to distract my thoughts of Liam, I went around the city to many stores to pick up decorations and such for Harry's birthday party. I also bought some things for his mom and Gemma.

I then went to the art store to pick up some art supplies and brought everything to the warehouse till I could get Harry out of the house tomorrow for his party. I took out a medium sized canvas I bought and decided to paint.

When I was done painting, I looked at it so see if it was okay enough to gift it to Harry. I thought it was incredible actually. I'm sure he'll love it. I check my phone and realised it was already 8 O'clock and drove back home.

When I got inside my flat I noticed Liam sitting on the couch staring at the blank TV. I took my shoes off and out my keys down and sat down on the chair next to him. He hadn't looked away from the TV once.

"Hey," I said.

"I hung out with Sophia today," he said still looking at the TV.


"You're not jealous or mad?" He said looking at me.

"No. Why would I be?"

"I don't know...well I only hung out with her for a while and then niall and I hung out."

"Okay. Where are you going with this?"

"Niall told me..." Liam said.

"Told you what?" I asked confused.

"About what you said."

"What did I say? I haven't even seen Niall all day today."

"Well he heard your conversation with Louis and he told me," he said.


"Zayn...I know what I said last. But you should have talked to me about it. You should have told me how you feel. I want you to talk to me Zayn, not go to Louis whenever you're upset with me or anything," he said holding onto my hand.

"Do you...wanna break up. Because I don't liam. I'm trying. I'm really trying to make everything up to you but it's hard when you get upset over every little thing. And I know you have every right because of what I did,"

"No Zayn. I don't wanna break up with you. But I do wanna take it slow. That means no moving in together. No spending the night here, no sex, nothing like that."

"Anything you want," I said with hesitation.

"Good. Now it's late and I have to get back home."

"Okay, but at least have dinner with me. Please?" I asked.

"Oh alright," he said smiling and went to the kitchen to help me make some food.

"Did you get everything for Harry's birthday?" He asked.

"Yeah. It's at my studio right now," I said.

"How are you going to get him out of the house?"

"I'll ask Niall to take him out somewhere so I can see everything up."

"Okay. Can I help with the set up?"

"Do you want to? You don't have to if you don't want," I said making sure he doesn't feel pressured to do this.

"No. I am trying to move on and that means helping you with this. Harry is a nice guy and you're right about him deserving a nice birthday. You're sweet," he said smiling and giving me a kiss in the cheek.

"Yes! You can help! I would love that! And no one is as sweet as you," I smiled and gave him a peck on his lips.

"Nah. You're too sweet," he said.

"Well you should probably go right? No spending the night here thanks to your stupid rule," I joked.


"It's okay. I was only kidding. Go. Sleep. And come back to me tomorrow," I smiled.

"Yeah. Bye." He said getting up.

"I love you Liam," I said.

He turned around and smiled, "I love you too Zayn."

A/N: I think this was just a filler chapter. I don't know what his shit is. Yeah. But hey they're together and they're trying to get past whatever.

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