17. Be Happy

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Liam's POV 

"No! Louis don't push meee!" I screamed as he laughed. 

"I won't push you Li," he said and poked me which made me scream again. 

"Lou! You know he doesn't like that, so don't do that," Zayn said slightly shoving  Louis away from me. I smiled as a thanks and he nodded his head in reply. 

Niall, Louis, Harry, Zayn, and I went to these mountains to do a bit of hiking and Louis force us to go all the way up to the top. It was cold, but it was a good thing we were all prepared with jackets and coats. We took the cable car up to the mountain and they have a place where you can stand on the tip, which is why I screamed when Louis tried to push to me. I didn't want to fall. That's a long ways down.

"Just go and stand. I won't push you Li," Louis said urging me to stand on the very tip, but I shook my head.

"I don't believe you," I said as I felt someone take my hand and hold it. I turned my head to see Zayn.

"Come on. I'll come with you," he said as he carefully lead me to the tip, "You OK?"

"Yeah, but a-are you s-sure it won't just break?" I asked nervously stepping on near the edge.

"It won't break Liam, I promise. Plus, I've got you. I'm holding onto you, and I won't let go," he said.

I carefully stood on the edge and looked down the mountain. Damn. That's a long ways down. I squeezed Zayn's hands tighter, and soon after felt things crawling up my back so I jumped and screamed and my left leg slipped off the side. However, Zayn had wrapped his arms around mine to keep me from falling when I jumped, and pulled me to more land. I heard Louis laughing really hard and I immediately knew it was him.

"Louis! I hate you!" I started running toward him but turned out to be a limp run.

"That was funny!" He said hiding behind Niall.

"That was not funny! I could have died! Fell and died!" I yelled the screamed in pain from my foot.

"You okay Liam?" Harry asked coming up next to me while Zayn came on my other side.

"Yeah, but I think I hurt my ankle or something when I ALMOST FELL AND DIED!" I yelled the last part to Louis.

"Let's go back down and gets you some ice and go to the hospital or something," Zayn said taking me arm and wrapping it around his shoulder as Harry did the same on the other side.

They helped me get to the cable care and once we landed they asked around for ice packs, which luckily they found because my ankle was hurting BAD! Zayn carefully placed the ice pack on my ankle and tucked the bag in my shoe and also wrapped it around my ankle so no one would have to keep holding it.

We then drove back to Zayn's flat because Niall and Louis didn't have a first aid kit or anything of the sort, and me being me, thank goodness, decided to have a first aid kid just in case something went wrong. Zayn sat me down on the couch and put my leg on the coffee table. He grabbed a small pillow from the couch and put it under my leg for elevation and comfort. 

"Since when did you learn how to nurse people back to health so very nicely?" I asked Zayn.

"I learned from the best care giver," he said referring to me and I smiled at him. 

"I'll get you some Advil and water. Oh, and some ankle wraps," he said then disappeared into the kitchen. 

"How are you feeling Li?" Niall asked sitting next to me. 

"Good, no thanks to your boyfriend," I said. 

"He was...being Louis," he said. 

"And and I almost died," I said. 

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