29. Here We Go Again

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Zayn's POV

I was in the kitchen making Liam and myself some french toast and blueberry pancakes. Liam spent the night over for the first time in a very long time and it was amazing, so I wanted to follow up with an amazing morning too. After I fixed up breakfast I set the table and filled his plate and my plate as well. I got him a cup of milk, while I got myself some juice and I set it next to the plates. I went to my room and stood over by Liam. I bent over and rubbed his cheek softly. He rolled over and opened one eye squinting at me.

"Good morning sunshine," I smiled.

He looked over to my side of the bed then back at me, "You're up already?"

"I am and guess what? I made breakfast," I smiled and held out hand to him.

He took my hand and pulled himself up, sitting on the edge of the bed with the blanket and sheets wrapped around his bare body. He got up and put on a pair of boxers before going into the bathroom. I followed him and stood leaning against the door way.

Liam turned towards me and asked, "Do you have another brush?"

I smiled, shaking my head and went to the the cabinets where I kept extra toothbrushes. I pulled out a red one and handed it over to Liam. He started brushing his teeth while I wrapped my around his waist from the side and kissed his shoulder.

"You're being awfully cling today," he said after finished brushing his teeth and rinsing his mouth.

"Nope, just happy," I smiled.

"I bet I know why," he smiled.

"Do you know now?" I said letting go of him.

"Yeah. I reckon it has something do with the hot boy that spend the night at your house," he said going to the kitchen.

"I think it's more like I'm happy because we had sex last night," I said following him.

"Oh that happened last night," he smiled.

"Yeah, and I made you breakfast to follow up for the amazing night last night so are you going to eat it or not?"

"Damn...feisty today too," he sat down by his plate.

"Sorry, no. I'm just really excited slash nervous for our concert today and I'm really happy slash scared that you stayed the night," I sat down my plate and played around with my food.

"Babe, why would you be scared that I spent the night?" Liam asked stretching out his hand across the table to hold my hand.

I smiled and squeezed his hand, "Because you have the no spending the night rule and when you do you kind of brush it off and say it won't happen again and we always get into this little fight about you and me and trust."

"Well, I'm glad I spent the night last night and I'm really loving this breakfast you made me so you have nothing to worry about here babe."

I smiled and we finished eating out breakfast together. We talked about Niall and Louis a little bit and today's concert. Our very first concert of the tour. We have to go to the stadium and do a little bit of the sound check and a bit of last minute rehearsals before we perform but I'm really excited. After we were finished eating, Liam and I both cleaned up the kitchen like the old time when we used to live together. 

Liam went to my room and and put his clothes before coming out again and holding my hand. I grabbed my car keys before we left and as soon as we stepped outside I pulled my hand away from Liam's remembering that we couldn't do that. We went to my car and drove to the stadium in complete silence after that.

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