25. It's Been Ages

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Liam's POV

I looked at him realising how much of an idiot I was being, but since I didn't say anything he just shook his head and turned around heading for the door.

I should have said something to stop him from leaving, but I honestly didn't know what to say besides 'oh'.  I sighed and went to the kitchen and ate my breakfast, which by the way was absolutely delicious. Zayn doesn't cook much, but I know he put an effort into this.

I cleaned up the kitchen after eating my breakfast and put some of the leftovers in the fridge for Zayn. I've texted a couple times after he left to come back to but he never replied. So I started to clean his flat. I cleaned his living room and his bedroom checking my phone frequently for a text, but I got nothing.

I grabbed my keys and went outside to my car. I drove to his art studio because I know he likes to be by himself and do some art when he's ever mad or upset. When I got to the studio, his car wasn't these and the door was locked as well, so he wasn't here. I texted both Niall and Louis asking both of them if they knew where Zayn was but both of them said no.

I thought about Harry next, but if I trusted Zayn and he said what he said this morning, then he wouldn't be at Harry's. Yet, I felt compelled to go to Harry, and like always I followed by gut and drove to Harry's house. Seeing Zayn's car there, I immediately went up to the door to find Harry's mum just sitting outside.

"Hi Ms. Styles." I said patiently even though I just wanted to go up and see what Zayn and Harry were doing.

"Hi Liam. How are you?" She smiled.

"I'm great. How about you?

"Oh just wonderful. You here to see Harry? He's upstairs with Zayn right now so yo can go on up. I'm sure he won't mind one bit," she said.

I thanked her then went upstairs. Harry's bed room was closed, so I carefully pressured my ear against the door and listened to what was going on.
All I heard was silence for a while.

"Oh my gosh. This is absolutely amazing!" I hear Harry saying.

"I had to do something for you, and this was the best thing I could," Zayn said.

"You're really good at it," Harry said.

I had enough of this so I opened the door and walked inside.

"Good at what?" I said looking at the both of them very suspiciously.

"Zayn's painting! Isn't it amazing?" Harry said holding it up.


"Yeah. It's great..." I said softly.

"I'm going home. Thanks Harry," Zayn said the glared at me before he went downstairs.

I followed him downstairs, but he was in his car and on the road by the time I got outside. I went to my car and followed his car.

When we both reach his flat, he raced upstairs but I caught up to him.

"Zayn, please I'm really sorry," I said.

"Save it Liam," he said going inside his flat as I followed, "Just admit it, that nothing I do will ever make you trust me again."

"I'm trying Zayn," I said.

"Are you? Because I feel like everything I do, you just think I'm doing it because I'm trying to hide something! It's been months, months! Since Harry and I stopped seeing each other and months since we've been dating again and I get why you wouldn't trust me, but now you're questioning everything I do after months of getting back together with me," he said.

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