40. California Love

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Liam's POV


We were on our American tour and our last stop on this tour was LA, so here we are in LA after our tour finished and we were all backstage celebrating. On stage today, Harry and Niall and the crowd sung me the happy birthday song, so now we're having our own little celebration backstage with some drinks and food, which is nice.

My mum and the rest of my family called today in the morning to wish me since we couldn't be together, so that was nice. Jordan also called and we had a short face time before I had to go on stage, which was also really nice.

"I was planning on throwing you a party mate. With all your friends and family, maybe some late night clubbing and all, but can't exactly do that now since all your family is back in the UK. But don't worry Li, I got a little something else planned up on my sleeve," Louis winked.

"Lou, I really appreciate it, but you honestly don't have to do anything," I smiled.

"I know, but I'm going to do it anyways," he smiled, "Just meet me at the hotel room in about two hours yeah?"

I nodded and watched him walk out with a smug little smile plastered onto his face. I went to the dressing room and changed into some more decent clothes. My phone rang as I was changed, and I quickly answered it placing it between my ear and shoulder as I slid some pants on.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Happy birthday."

I smiled, "I'm pretty sure you called me earlier today to wish me that already, haven't you?"

"I know, my twitter has been blowing up with 'Happy Birthday Liam' and then I saw Harry singing to you and all, and I thought 'Hmmm I never sung to Liam' wanna hear me sing babe?" Jordan chuckled.

"I'd love to hear you," I smiled as I grabbed my coat and went to my car and told the driver to drive to the hotel.

"Well that's not happening, but I just wanted to call and see how the rest of your day went and the concert and all?" he asked.

"It was good yeah. Massive crazy. I'm going to have to take you to my next concert."

"Yeah, you better," he chuckled.

"Alright, well listen. I'm pretty sure Lou threw me a little hotel party and all so I'll call you tomorrow yeah?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's fine. Have fun at your party."

"I will. Byeeee," I smiled through the phone before hanging up.

The hotel itself was about thirty minutes away, but with this LA traffic and all it took us an hour to get to my hotel. I thanked the driver before heading out of he car and into the hotel room, searching for the ball room that Lou texted me about. When I wasn't sure where exactly it was, I went to the reception and asked one of the workers who pointed me to the right direction.

I walked up to the closed doors of the ball room, where there were two security guards. They eyed me as I was about to walk in, but stopped me from before I could reach the door handles. Each security guard had one hand on each of my arms and then pushed me back.

"Name?" One of them asked bluntly.

"Liam Payne."

They both looked at their clipboards for a brief second before coming close together, and one whispering in the other one's ear. The man that did the whispering left and the other security guard stood still right in front me. A couple of girls and boys came up the doors and the security guards asked for their names. When each one in the group said their name, the security guard didn't even look at the clipboard before opening the doors to them.

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