45. Sparks Flying or Dust Settling

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"Hey Liam," I heard a whisper in my ear. 

"Mhmm," I mumbled, rubbing my eyes open though they were squinting at the light. 

"It's time to get up. Plane to catch," he said softly as he played with my hair. 

"Five more minutes please," I mumbled as I closed my eyes again. 

I drifted back into sleep and was woken up minutes later by his soothing voice. Rubbing my eyes open again, I looked up at him begging for more minutes of serene sleep. 

"I'm sorry Liam. I'd give you more time, but we really do have to go. Also, I've been laying here for hours since I woke up and I'd very much like to get up and move." 

"You've been sitting here? For how long? When did you wake up?" I furrowed by eyebrows. 

"I woke up around nine and it's..." he turned his head towards the clock, "Almost 12." 

"You could've moved me over," I pursed my lips as I got up off his chest and sat next to him. 

"You hadn't slept for days. I wanted to let you sleep. Plus, every time I moved you held on to my shirt pretty tightly. Swore you would've ripped it," he said. 

"Oh," I said biting my lip as I looked at him, "Sorry." 

"You've been saying that a lot lately," he furrowed his eyebrows. 

"Well I am. I am sorry. I shouldn't have made you sit for hours when you didn't want to. I shouldn't have kept using your clothes. I shouldn't have taken too long in the shower when you were already late. I shouldn't have shown up at your door step. I shouldn't have broken up with you. I shouldn't have been mad at you when you left the the band. I shouldn't have left that night on my birthday. I shouldn't have been..." I rambled on as my voices started to crack and tears started dwelling in my eyes, but I blinked them away. 

"Liam," he soothed as he hugged me tightly, rubbing my back and my hair, "Shouldn't have been what?" 

I buried my face into his warm neck for a minute before pulling away. My hands made their way to his head, cupping his neck and bringing myself closer to his lips until my lips met his. My eyes shut automatically as I started to move my lips slowly against his, and my heart hitched when he responded my moving along. That only lasted a few seconds though before he pulled away. 

"I love you," I mumbled before he could saying anything. 

"We have plane to catch Liam. C'mon. We'll get some breakfast on the way," he let out a small smile before getting up and going upstairs. 

I waited his room until he finished showering and we switched spots as I showered and he waited for me. When I was finished getting dressed we went to his car and I played on my phone the entire way until the car stopped. I turned up head up to look outside the window and my heart started beating rapidly again. 

"What are we doing here?" I asked in panic. 

"Liam, it's okay. We're hear to get your bags and your wallet. And your passport since you can't leave this country without it," he said getting out of the car making his way around to my door and opening it, beckoning me to come out. 

I took his hand and slightly nodded before I stepped out of the car. I wrapped both my arms around his right arm and intertwined our fingers together as we walked inside. I didn't have my key, since it was in the hotel room, so we went to the lady at the front desk and asked for an alternative way in just to retrieve the materials. The lady called a bell boy out to assist and supervise us as we went inside the hotel room and we were required to show my ID to the bell boy once all the materials were retrieved. However, I stood outside the hotel room the whole time. Zayn begged in frustration, but I refused and refused. 

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