10. I Wanna Be Yours

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"See! Walking around wasn't so bad, was it?" Liam asked as went inside Niall and Louis's flat. 

"My legs hurt!!!" I yelled. 

"Oh stop whining, you needed exercise anyway you lazy ass," He said kissing me on the cheek. 

"But my legs hurt," I pouted. 

"Oh baby," he said coming close to give me kiss but instead flicked my nose. 

"Meanie," I said. 

"I love youuu," he said kissing me. 

Liam insisted that we hang out with Niall, Louis, and Alex today, but they weren't even here yet. He wouldn't even let me go to our flat for lunch, so we ate out again. I didn't mind eating out, he was just being weird about going to the apartment, but I had a feeling he was planning something and since he asked to have dinner tonight, I assume he made it very pretty and romantic and didn't want me to see it yet. 

I was kind of excited though for dinner. I really wanted to see what he had planned. When Liam wants to get romantic, he gets romantic. I always thought he was sweet and romantic when he really wanted to be, and I really admired that about him. Liam was very soft hearted and cute. 

"Zayn?" Liam called hold my hand. 

"Yeah?" I said intertwining our fingers. 

"Can I tell you a story?" He asked. 

I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder. He took my other hand with his free hand and played with my fingers. He had a very soft and gentle touch that I loved. 

 "When I first saw you, the day after we did 'you know', I was a bit shocked but not as much as I was surprised yet happy. I know it's weird to think that I was happy to see you. That night was in incredible night, even if we were both drunk, but I'll always remember it. After that night, I thought about you all night and I couldn't get you out of my mind, and I wished it wasn't a one night stand anymore. I was even thinking about going back to the club to see if you were still there, but it was past midnight and I figured you might not be and I didn't want to be disappointed. So when I saw you the next day, I was surprised to see you because I honestly thought that was the last of it for us and I didn't think you'd remember me and if you did I thought you were gonna think I was weird maybe for what happen that night before. But when I finally did meet you, and this time more professionally and appropriately than the last, I thought you were beautiful and sweet, and I was automatically head over heels for you. I know it didn't take long for us to get together, and I'm kind of glad that we didn't take too long, but if you didn't know, I was ecstatic when you asked me on our first date. I did everything I could to try to impress you whenever I thought I need to impress you, but you kept everything simple and easy and I loved that. You didn't care that our first time was in the back of my car or anything and you didn't seemed weirded out or ashamed to be with me either and that's when I knew that you and I could actually work. I was truly happy for us and how close we've been since that time that we met and how I consider you to the best boyfriend and also my best friend," he said still played with my fingers as I listened closely and carefully to every single word. 

"Why are you telling me this?" I wondered truly out of curiosity. 

"I don't know, I just thought about it and I wanted to tell you that you're important to me," he said. 

"I love you Liam," I said looking up at him smiling into his eyes and placing a soft kiss on his lips. 

He smiled as well and kissed me back, and at that same moment Niall, Louis, and Alex came barging in so Liam and I pulled away from each other. 

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