19. I Knew You Loved Me

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Zayn's POV 

"How come you never bring Liam over anymore?" my mum asked. 

"Muuuum! Can we please not talk about Liam. You saw and talked to Liam just yesterday at my party! You even go pictures. What more do you need? I came here to see you and talk to you, not about Liam," I said. 

"Yeah? This is first time you came to see me in months. You have to tell about Liam. I miss him, and you need to bring him over for dinner or something!" 

"Mum! I said I don't want to talk about Liam!" I said again. 

"Are you and Liam fighting? Are you going through a rough patch?" she asked. 

"No, mum. Liam and I are not fighting and we're not going through a rough patch either," I said. 

"So what did he get you for your birthday?" she asked. 

"He got me a bunch of spray paint and art supplies and he got my my own art studio," I smiled. 

"He got you an art studio? How is it?" she asked excitedly. 

"I haven't been there yet. I'm planning on going today," I said. 

"You still haven't gone yet.  I though you would have sprinted there the moment he told you about the art studio," she smiled. 

"I was really tempted, but I told myself that I would wait till this morning and get a good look, maybe paint something." 

"Listen sweetie. It was great seeing you, but I have to go now. Come by later, I miss my baby and I don't just want to see you around your birthday, I want to always see you, okay?" she said getting up and kissing my cheek. 

"Yeah, alright mum. Bye. Love you," I said. 

"I love you too," she grabbed the purse and left. 

I followed her outside and went to my car. I drove to the warehouse place, which was not far from my flat. I got out and went up to the front door. The door was kind of big and I was really anxious to go inside. I pulled out the key and slowly inserted it in the key hole and slowly opened the doors. I carefully walked inside and saw fucking huge it was. I twas big! There were a bunch of random walls everywhere and it was kind of like a maze throughout the whole room. It was amazing. I could paint on all these walls, get canvases and have them all around the room too. 

I put all the art supplied that I brought down on the ground and started to take out some spray paints and a mask. I put the mask and on went to the very first wall that was visible when you walked through the doors, and I started to paint, grabbing different colors of spray paint and spraying it on the wall. It was after hours and hours, that I lost track of time, when I finished. I had painted a club with a crowded room and me and Liam seeing other across the room showing the first time we ever met. I checked my phone and saw that it was almost noon. I took off my mask and dropped it on the ground and proudly smiled at my painting. 

I left the warehouse, double checking to make sure I locked it properly. I drove into the city and parked my car in one of the big parking lofts by the shops. I decided I was going to decorate my art studio a little bit. I started to walk around looking for any stores that were interesting or had any cool things. I saw a couple arts stores here an there and I bought more canvases and other things to decorate it from different stores. 

After I was done shopping, I was heading back to my car, but realized that I strayed too far away from where my car was so it was going to be a long walk. I started to window shop all the things to see all the different cool things they had in each store. I was walking past a jewellery store when something in their window had caught my eye. I immediately took a steps backward and went inside their store. 

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