50. Secrets Uncovered

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"You ready lamb?"

I smiled at him for the name he used, "You know I loved it when you call me that."

"I know, but you didn't used to," he smiled back and and me a quick kiss on the lips, "But that's not an answer to my question."

"What was your question," I shrugged and looked at my phone.

"You know what it was and you can't avoid it. So c'mon get up," he said patting the back of my shoulder.

"Fine. Alright you bum," I said getting up and making our way out the door.

After our nice and quite drive with some faint radio music in the background, we were sitting in the waiting room after we signed in. I kept wiping the palms of my hand on my pants to wipe of the sweat that occurred from my nervousness. My right leg bouncing on the toes from the ground, and I couldn't stay still until a light pressure came on my right leg forcing my leg to stay down. Also my sweaty hand connected with another and I sighed looking to my right.

"Calm down Liam," he gently whispered.

"I'm nervous." I whispered back.

"I can tell, but it's okay. You don't need to be. I'm here okay?" he looked me in the eye making sure I knew.

I nodded, "I know, but still. I know I don't have anything, but I could. I mean I did sleep with so many people. Oh my gosh."

"Hey, hey, hey," he said calmly, "I'm here."

"Liam Payne," a nurse called out.

My head popped up to meet the voice and I nodded letting her know I was coming, but I didn't stand up. Zayn did. He looked a me before holding out a hand for me to grab, which I did. Once I was up, he he rubbed my back gently as he walked me through the door to follow the nurse.

"Just going to take your blood really quick and then you'll see the doctor for a quick consultation about STD checking and such. You're blood results should come in about a week to see if you have received any STD or such. Alright?" the nurse talked me through as she prepped my arm.

"Yeah sounds good," I nodded.

Zayn held my other arm and rubbed it for comfort. I'm not afraid of blood work or needles or anything, but it was very soothing and comforting and I'm glad he's here with me. I smiled up at him and he smiled at me back warmly before giving me quick kiss.

After the nurse was done taking my blood she led me to the doctor's room. We introduced ourselves and the reason for being there, and he introduced himself also reassuring that everything will be okay. I know I don't have anything, but there's a possibility that we might and that's what makes me so nervous about this visit. I calmed down as soon as Zayn starting rubbing my hand gently.

"So we are just gonna get some general information about the issue. I'll ask questions, you answer, and we'll record them down for knowledge and data. You're name will not be given in the data so it will be anonymous for world reports, however, the answers you share will hep us better understand what STD you might have or if you are completely safe. Shall we get started?" The doctor explained.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Alright, but I'm going to have to ask Mr. Malik to wait outside just for confidentiality," the doctor said.

"No it's okay. He can stay," I squeezed Zayn's hand.

"Okay then, let's get started. Just answer the questions as accurately and honestly as possible alright?"

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