Chap-1 The remembering

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Here is a picture of the cover. Unless I can get one of you guys (Wink wink, cough cough) to make one for me. But anyways on with the chappy!

~ 10 years ago ~


"Yes", I replied to my impatient young daughter.

"Can you tell me the story of how you finded me"?

I chuckled to myself. "I told you last night darling, and the night before". I knew she just didn't want to go to bed but, those big blue eyes peering into my brown ones. Well, I couldn't help it. "Fine", I sighed dramatically. Gosh I'm beginning to be a softy these days.

"Yay", Alana exclaimed happily jumping into my arms. I carried her over to my recliner and she cuddled up against my chest. "Well", I sighed "Here's what happened".

* Flashback *

Weeewhooo Weeewhooo, the storm sirens were blaring.

"Dude", I yelled to my best friend Rick who despite the sirens was paddling out farther into the heavy surf.

"Bro", he yelled to me. "When do we ever get surf this rad"?

The waves were getting bigger and stronger. Diving under the waves to avoid being wiped out was getting increasingly harder.

"Rick", I yelled. The crashing of the waves making my voice barley audible.

"Yeah", I heard him reply back.

"Man, this is crazy." "These waves are not even surfable". "Come on let's get out of here".

A nod from Rick let me know he agreed and he started to paddle towards me. The waves were bringing us closer and closer to the shore. Which would have been a good thing if it was near the sandy side. But of course it was near the rocky side with sharp angular fragments of who knows what sticking out of the surface.

"Howie", I heard Rick call.

"We can't make it to the other shoreline".

A monster wave formed sending Rick and I into the rocky area. The last I saw was Rick's unconscious body next to mine. A few minutes later I felt myself slipping into the dark unknown.

~ A few hours later ~

The most heavenly sound I'd ever heard was coming from right beside me. I slowly opened my eyes to see a very beautiful women looking down on me. Her hair was a beautiful blonde mess from her obviously swimming here. Her eye's were aquamarine pools of blues swirling around in a frantic emotions. The look on her face was troubling as she stopped singing. I immediately wanted her to continue but she started to say something. It was then as she was speaking I noticed she was naked.

"My baby, she needs you", her angelic voice spoke.

I looked down her front and covering her chest was a seaweed sling. I watched as she took the child out and wrapped her in the sling. Gently she laid the baby down by my side and jumped back into the sea.

"Wait", I screamed to the women.

I seen her head pop up from the surface.

"What is your name". I waited for her reply.

"Kaimana" she whispered and dove back into the sea. I swear, I might be wrong, but I could have sworn she had a tail.

* End of flashback *

"And that my dear is the story of how you came to me".

"And", Alana stated while yawning.
"How Rick became my God father."

I smiled at my child and nodded my head. I sat there for a minute thinking about Kaimana. She was so beautiful, yet mysterious. I felt my shirt dampening and looked down to see Alana drooling on my favorite Nike sweatshirt. Picking her small body up, I walked from the living room and into her room placing her softly into her bed.

"Goodnight princess", I whispered. And with that shut off the lights and closed the door. I stood near her room tranquilized in thought.

* Flashback *
"Please", a young irresponsible me cried out.

"Sorry sir", the not-so-sorry receptionist replied. "We won't be able to take her on, leave your number and we will contact you within a few days". With one last glare, I walked out of the Happy homes clinic.

Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years, but till this day I'm ashamed, yet in a way grateful. That clinic never called me back, but the absolute love of my life, my baby, my Alana was all I learned I would ever need. 

* End of flashback *

Dingggg donggg Dinggg Donggg

I knew that could only be my friend Rick who would come ringing the doorbell like a child waiting for there Halloween candy. Bad example?..... Well you get the picture. I hurried down the hall to shut Rick up before he woke Alana.

"Hello their Howster", Rick greeted me as I let him in the door.

"Shut up doofus brain", I whispered closing the door behind him.

"Ok, what the heck does that even mean. "Dude your like 28, live a little man".

"I don't want Alana picking up any words like you sailor mouth". "What are you doing her so late anyways"?

"Dude", Rick chuckled. "It's 8:30, what has being a father done to you. "Besides it's Alana's first day tommorow, and I don't wanna miss it.

He was right. I had changed. And for the better. My mind ventured back to the singing I heard the day I found Alana. It was so, mesmerizing. I couldn't even find words to explain it.

"Rick", I asked. "The night when I found Alana. That women, her you remember it."

"I heard a voice while I was knocked out....but I mean it could have been you or just in my head, I mean I was unconscious you know."

"Yeah", I sighed.... "Just wondering".

Well how was that y'all. There's going to be a tremendous time skip next chapter. I just wanted y'all to see how Howie got Alana and his relationship with his best friend Rick!!

Hugs and kisses!

Thanks for reading!

Until next time my friends!

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