Characters, Places & Cast!

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As promised in the last chapter.

Kingdoms. (There will be 7 in all)

~ Atlantis
~ Atlantica
~ Oceana
~ Aquatica
~ East Bay
~ West bay
~ Rouge Nation.

Kalani- a friend of Alana, Alaine and also Kei.

Aolani- Friend of Alana, Alaine and also Kei.

Mrs Wiper- The teacher in the beginning chapter.

Kei- Alana's ex boyfriend, adopted son of Sirus.

Kahiau- Alana/Keira's twin sister

Alaine- Alana/Keira's best friend.

Queen Kaimana- Mother of the twins. Wife to Elikapeca.

Tanga- Royal families most trusted guard.

Sirus- Rouge Nation leader. Adopted father to Kei.

Howie- Alana's adopted father.

Rick- Alana's Godfather and Howie's best friend.

Mathew- Alana's father

Phyllite- Keira's boyfriend

Lemano- The chief elder.

Michelle- Alaine's mother.

Prince Seymour- Keira's ex-betrothed.

Merlene- Seymour's girlfriend

Nirvana- Daughter of Sirus

King Felian- Father of King Elikapeca

Queen Celine- Mother of King Elikapeca.

Salinas- Princess of Aquatica

Collen- Alaine's boyfriend

Dariens- Kahiau's boyfriend.

Ok phew. So those are all the characters you have been introduced to. There will be more so I'll keep adding to the list and if you ever get confused you can just come over here.

I'm so nice I know, I know.

I want you guys to cast it so please comment who you think could play the characters and I'll put in an official cast list. 

Love you guys. Bye!!!

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