Chap-8 She's the elite

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I will do the cast next chap when I have time to get something together.

* Keira's (Alana) POV *

You know how when your in so much pain you can't scream or cry but just sit their emotionlessly dying. Yeah me neither I was a mess. I heard the distance voices of your doing fine and keep up the good work. It only added to the rage and fury escaping from my legs. I felt myself hit something and I was out cold.

~ Time skip a few hours ~

I knew my eyes where still closed. But I heard voices, arguing.

"Elikapeca", a women yelled clearly agitated. "You knew how I felt, and you disobeyed me".

"What"?, "Me disobeyed you, I am King Kaimana.

"But your my husband first, she's a child, she has went through so much in a short time Elika". "Your rushing her".

I slowly sat up and tried to stand. I didn't realize I had a tail and fell onto the floor of the room.

"Keira", the women yelled while helping me back up. "Are you ok my love".

Something about this women. Her touch, her helping me. It felt so right. So natural. My body reacted before my mind and before I new it my arms were wrapped around her. She hugged me back and I held her close crying. She pulled back and held my face.

"What wrong child", she asked concerned.

I looked around the room I was in and practiced swimming around. "Be brave", I kept telling myself as I got used to the tail.

"W-where's Kahiau and Alaine", I asked after swimming a few laps around the room. Before my answer came there was a knock on the door.

"Come in". Boomed my fathers voice.

In walked (or swam?!!), what looked like a old hag with a tail. I hurried over to my mother and his behind her. I know I'm supposed to be brave but this women thing was scary looking.

"Its fine Keira, she's going to help you". Slowly I moved to the side of my mother and looked at the women.

"Lay done child, I need to examine your markings".

Guided by my mothers gentle hands I laid back on my rock slab bed thing and watched the women at work. She mumbled and wrote things down wide eyed.

"My lord, my lady I wish to speak with you out side her chambers". My parents nodded and swam out leaving me in the room alone.

"This is amazing cried the sign reader". My parents exchanged clueless looks with one another.

"Well what is it", my father asked getting impatient.

"She's Poseidon's spawn". "Her markings depicts her ruler of the seven sea's". "Their have been none like her in centuries". "My lord, your daughter is the for told Elite pureblood". "Her life must be protected". "At all cost. Who knows when one like her will be born". "She is our weapon to defeating the rouge nation".

With that the women disappeared in a swirl of bubbles and was gone.

"Elika, I can't believe this"."There is hope for us yet"! The queen exclaimed swimming into Keira's chamber.

King Elikapeca waited there in deep thought. How could his daughter be more powerful than he was, in just a few hours. He shook the thought from his mind and went to inform the guards on their saftey measure's.

~ Back in Keira's room ~

"I knew she was special", exclaimed Kahiau. Queen Kaimana, her daughters and Alaine hung out and enjoyed each other before hearing the trumpets sound.

"Oh no", the queen thought hearing the knock on the door.

"Princess Keira René Evangeline, Prince Seymour of Oceana requests you presence over the watch of his Majesty King Elikapeca.

I looked around wide eyed. Did he mean me. I turned to face my mother when a bunch of servants ran in and started making me over. A few minutes later they finished and I look at myself in the vanity. Wow, their strings of pearls strung into my hair. My makeup made my aquamarine eyes pop and the tiara was what topped everything off. I turned to face everyone but was grabbed by the arm and lead down the hall to the throne room.

"May I present Princess Keira Merleah Evangeline Rene the first". Arm in arm the servant lead me to a throne next to my father and motioned for me to sit down.

"You look lovely Keira", my father stated smiling down on me. I thanked him and let my gaze fall on the man swimming towards me with guards not from this kingdom.

"My king". The man said bowing down. He then turned to me. "My bride to be", he says handing me a small golden box.

I look from the prince, to my father then to the box. "T-thank you I say taking the box and opening it. I gasped when I seen the contents of the box. A beautiful gold chain necklace with a shell shaped diamond in the middle.

"Thank you very much, this is a beautifully crafted necklace". I said that so calm and collected I surprised myself.

"Allow me, your highness", he says while swimming closer to the throne and placing the necklace around my neck.

As he was doing this I got a clear look at his face. He was gorgeous. His eyes a vibrant green with a hint of gold near the center. His whole face was captivating. I looked back into his eyes and he was staring at me too.

"I uh, I stuttered feeling my cheeks turn red.

"Until tommorow love", he stated while kissing my hand. I smiled as he swam away his guards following close behind him.

"Well", what do you think my father asked.

I turned to face him and smiled "He is nice, but was this a gift or is he buying my love"? My father chuckled and looked at me. "It will be love soon my darling, the wedding is in two weeks".

I looked over at my father, my mouth half open. "I-I will not be marrying him in two weeks". I swam away from the throne and to the doors. The guards were there and blocking me from leaving.

"Escort her to her chambers", I heard my dad say as I left the throne room.

Wow, what a chapter. Next chapter in Howie's and Kei's POV.

That's all

Bye guys!!!!!!!!!

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