Chap-12 You....engaged?

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Nirvana's POV

"I know daddy, Marry the guard get close to the king and bam kill, the royal family". "Then since he has no other family alive his first in command will take the throne which is Phyllite my soon to be hubby". I smiled about the plan, me being ruler of Atlantis!

"Yes my darling, or should I say Queen Nirvana of Atlantis". "Oh that has a good ring to it.

"Yes, yes it does father". "Well, I must get going". "I've been invited to a wedding in Oceana".

"Yes, yes". "I remember, the Soon to be King and Queen of Ocean". "Your soon to be sister kingdom".

"Well, it's a three days travel". "I best get going".

"Of course, bye darling".

Keira's POV

Ever since the incident at my old home, things have been much much stricter. I have about ten guards with me at all times. The wedding has been moved up and is in three days. I really hope that since me and Phyllite aren't exactly on speaking terms, he remembers his promise. And now this "special" training held by a palace elder on Queenly duties and bearing future Royal's.

Knock knock

Oh no, the dreadful sound of yet another place I have to be.

Nevertheless my response. "Come in". The door burst open and Alaine and Kahiau swim in.

"Yes", I exclaimed out loud. I've been getting busier and busier, hardly seeing the two of them anymore.

"What has you two so happy", I say as the plomp down on my rock bed.

They turn and grin at each other while holding their hands out. Two incredibly gorgeous rings are shown to me.

"W-what", I gasp.

"Were, getting married", Alaine says swimming off the bed and then around the room happily.

"We won't steel away from your special day Keira, Alaine and I will have double weddings later on after yours". Kahiau says.

"N-No I say jumping up off my bed. "We'll have a triple wedding, and I'll make you two my lady royals. There was no way I was doing this alone.

"Really", Alaine says engulfing me in a hug. "I've always dreamed about this".

I began to cry thinking about all this...I can't. Suck it up and deal with it. I have a kingdom to protect, people are counting on me.

Prince Seymour's POV

"I love you to Merlene, I'd love to go out tonight". I say to the absolute love of my life.

We head out to the sea horse drawn carriage and continue on to our favorite restaurant.

Phyllite's POV

"Ok, sure I guess". "We leave to go back to Atlantis tommorow". "Well spend tonight here in Oceana". I say to both Collen and Dariens, who might I add can't wait to get back with their brides to be. I should be happy, I mean its just funny how life is good to some and bad to others.

"Let's get something to eat man". I heard Dariens say. "I want to hear all about how you got out if being betrothed to the Duchess.

I wanted to know how to, I've been wondering that same question for days now that he's asked Alaine to marry him.

We arrived at this up scale restaurant entitled, Under the Sea. The waiter came took our orders and left.

"Well my betrothment was from birth and arranged by my late parents, so in their death my arrangement with the duchess was cut off ", that lucky boy. I couldn't kill my parents just to be with Keira, but I'd be lying if I hadn't thought about it once or twice.

"Phyllite, Phyllite" , I heard Dariens call.

"What", I replied a bit hastily.

"Look", he says nodding his head towards a table across from ours.

I could hardly believe it.

"Oh, I love you so much Seymour", A womes voice said.

"Not as much as I love you Merlene", he replies leaning in to kiss her.

Before I could even register what I was doing, I had the Prince's flimsy body pressed up against the wall.

"What do you think your doing", I say more than ready to beat him to a pulp.

"T-This is not what you think", he mutters only infuriating me more.

"Then would you mind telling me who this tramp is", I say smashing him into the wall again.

"F-Fine, but release me, I let him go and he turned and looked up at me.

"I don't love her, my parents", that was enough for me, he didn't love her, his parents are forcing him.

"The wedding is off", I yell swimming out of the restaurant, Collen and Dariens right behind me.

Keis POV

"I can't believe your doing this Sirus", I said still,in shock of the plan he just explained to me.

"Who saved you when you were banished, who took you in and showed you the ways, who has been there for you when no one else would", Sirus said looking down on me.

"Y-you", I said with my head down.

"And don't you forget it, we will rule together Kei, but we must fight for it". "We will strike at the wedding which is in three days time". "Our army will be strong enough then, and the hybrid injections you crafted will make them stronger than the average mer". He stood up, squeezed my shoulder and walked off. I can't carry through with this....but I have to. In three days time, I have to kill Alana.

Howie's POV

"No, Matthew, we can't give up. "Somewhere our daughters are in trouble, stay strong". I say trying to bring courage.

We've been trapped in this cellar for days now. Alaine's mother won't even speak and rocks back and forth whispering her daughters name. Rick looses consciousness beating himself senseless against the wall. Matthew blabs on and on about nothing while crouching in the corner. So here I am, the only sain pearson in this group.

I just gave you all a little of everyone in this chapter haha. The action is about to pick up, so stay tuned!!!

How fatherly Sirus was towards Kei.
I'll have to fit in the story of how Kei got banished from Atlantis

Bye guys

Hugs and kisses


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