Chap-19 Decisions....Decisions

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Please if you like my story tell of course commenting. I barley receive any and as a writer the comments are like the air I breath helping me go on when I feel discouraged.


On with the story!!!

Keira's POV

"Coming", the three of us yelled.

The three being Kahiau, Alaine and I. We hurriedly got off of my rock bed and got ready for supper.

The dining halls doors were opened by palace staff as we were led to our seats. The table was suspended in the air with bubble jets, the same for our seats. My father and mother sat on one end and the three of us filled in wherever.

"Children", my mother said.

"There have been very many troublesome days in this kingdom, you all know that. And......"

We all look around at each other. Exchanging quizzical glances.

"And what", Kahiau asked putting another spoonful of salad in her mouth.

"Well we just don't think having a wedding is the best thing right now."

I looked across the table at Alaine and Kahiau. Their whole attitude had changed after mothers words.

I glanced back at the head of the table towards daddy.

"Daddy", I whispered.

He shook his head and excused himself from the table.

"Mother", Kahiau spoke.

"A wedding is just what we need. Hope, a change from all of this craziness going on. We shouldn't stop our lives just because things get bad. A wedding is just what we need, the people need and you can't. You just can't take this away from us mother please. "


My mother said emotionless.

"We have declared war on Rouge Nation".

Those words. And the gasps of Alaine and Kahiau were echoing off my mind for the rest of our supper. We all sat at the table, but I can assure you no one took another bite of food. 

Howie's POV

The halls had been quite for about an hour. Howie swam the length of his cell a few time deciding the best way to go about leaving. Just by hearing the general staff go about he knew there were two doors on opposite halls. Three counting the door he was in right now.

Slowly he eased the bar door open and swam to the other door having a look around.

"What", he gasped. Looking excitingly at a window above him.

He quickly went back into his cell and got the metal plate that Kei had brought his supper on. This has to be a nice clean blow. Or someone would hear him.

He swam up the few feet and hurled the plate through the window, cowering at the noise it made in the process.

He waited there. Motionless. With his eyes closed. There was total silence. He couldn't hear doors opening and closing. Which meant no staff.

Slowly opening his eyes he saw that the window was broken. Not very wide but he'd manage.

Swimming for the last time into the cell  he retrieved the pillowcase from off of his pillow and tied it around his fist.

Howie punched out the rest of the glass and freed himself from the cell. He was free.

Or so he thought .

The cell was located on the far side of the castle, but he could see fierce looking mer creatures swimming about in formation.

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