Chap-24 I said leave me alone

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This chapter is dedicated to my angel baby, Aiden. I hope you're running around to your hearts content in heaven!

Keira's POV

The royal lab room had been occupied for the last twenty four hours. We didn't go after all to aid the citizens of Rouge Nation but Daddy and the boys did leaving Mom, Salinas us girls and Kei here. Which Phyllite, Dariens and Collens were none to happy about.

The gas was spreading fast blocking must of the sunlight from the surface from lighting up the depths below it.

"How long do you think it will take to develop an anti-serum for the victims of the gas", I asked Kei.

As what became usual these past few hours he completely ignored me.

Salinas came forward to Kei and asked the same question, and received and answer promptly.

"I don't know could be days, I have to locate what exactly is causing them to fall asleep and I don't even know what fell in the tank with the serum.

I wondered what the serum was even for and like she read my mind Salinas asked what I had been thinking.

"What was this serum for Kei", she asked placing her arms on his shoulders.

He just looked down at the microscope and moved some Petri dishes aside.

Mom came by calling Salinas leaving just me and Kei in the room. He turned around to reach for another dish and saw me still in the room.

"What are you still doing in here", he said continuing his work.

He took off his gloves and swam over to were Nirvanna and Sidon were laying on beds.

He check their pulses and listened to their heartbeats.

"It's as if there still alive, but are in a deep sleep. Like a coma but have good variations in their heartbeats and brain activity."

He jotted something down in a notebook and looked up annoyed that I was still here.

"Could we all talk in hall", I said surprising myself.

"And have Sonny boy down back, no thanks", he replied swimming past me.

He opened the the dry ice freezer and pulled out a case which when it received contact with the water emitted hundreds of bubbles floating around filling the room. Once the bubbles faded he pulled out two syringes and filled them with the liquid he had been testing. Kei put on goggles and motioned for me to leave.

Once outside the room I stayed by the glass windows and watched as he injected Sidon and then Nirvanna.

He placed the monitor on the table and took of his gown, gloves and goggles.

He exited the lab, rolling his eyes when he saw me still there.

"What Keira", he demanded swimming past me.

I swam aside blocking his path.

"Why are you being this way, you act like I dumped you that day on the pier".

He scoffed and tried to move on.

"No, you do not get to move on and hate me when I did nothing wrong Kei". "

He looked back at me and time stopped. My heart thudded and I tried to scream, but his fist had already connected with my face. There was a crack and a bang as I slammed against the wall. His retreating figure and blood in the water were the last to things I saw before giving in to the strangely welcoming black unknown.

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