Chap-25 Wedding dress

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Keira's POV

I had been without heavy pain medicines for about a day and a half now. The swelling had reduced considerably and as Kahiau and Alaine helped me with my hair I couldn't help but notice how red my face looked. Like sunburn red.

"Oh hush", Alaine said braiding a piece of my hair.

"You don't have to wear that stupid head wrap anymore", she smiled kissing my cheek.

I rolled my eyes and looked back into the mirror.

"But I do have a super red face, that won't go away", I said turning my head to see my hair all around.

"You look fine Keira", now what are you wearing today because me and Alaine got these cute tankini tank tops that are super cute".

My best girls always trying to cheer me up. I laughed and put on the pink and silver top they had gotten for me and did a spin in the room.

"I guess I'll look good from the neck down", I said smiling into the mirror.

Knock knock

"I'll get it", Alaine said swimming towards the door.

Kahiau and I nodded swimming into the bathroom to clean our teeth.


I heard Alaine say in surprise.

I closed the door to the bathroom, more like slammed it and hid behind Kahiau.

"Keira", Kahiau said swimming from in front of me.

"What are you doing", I put my finger on my lips insinuating that she be quiet.

"Well is she in here", I heard him say.

"She is", Alaine said loudly. Enough to make sure I heard her.


Kahiau said opening the bathroom.

I swam out of the door and went across the room to were Alaine was talking with her head out of the door.

"Oh, Keira", Alaine said opening the door more so I could be seen.

I swam out into the hallway and Phyllite backed up so I could come all of the way out.

The door clicked shut behind me and it was just us in the hall. If it were any more possible for my face to get redder I'm sure it was. I held my hands together behind my back nervously and swayed back and forth. Phyllite's eyes burned holes in my face as I glanced up to meet his eyes.

"You look like a crab right now Keira, and it's not because of your nose", I laughed and looked up.

"And your hair looks like a yellow spiky sea cucumber".

He smirked and looked at my shirt.

"So you went shopping. I guess that is acceptable reason for you avoiding me". 

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