Chap-23 Long time no talk

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Yup the second one today. I'm on a role!

Salinas' POV

This couldn't be happening. My parents looked at me quizzically. And based on the thousands of soldiers and people here it was pretty quiet.

"Salinas", Keimana said swimming towards me.

She engulfed me in a hug and pulled back looking me in the eyes with a questioning glance. A glance that held wander of all the years we were apart yet assuring me that we were the best friends that we were in my youth.

She pulled me away from my carriage And we swam away from the commotion as voices began to rise and people got back to the task at hand.

"He's here", Keimana said holding my hand.

"I know I saw Sirus", I said breathing in shaky breaths. All the anguish and resentment I had towards him melted in a single glance.

"No Salinas, your son".

My heart stopped as I clung on to Keimana sinking to the ground. I wanted to cry but the tears wouldn't come while sobs begun forming in my throat. The child I prayed for and wondered about for so long. Here in Atlantis.

"You kept him here", I choked out looking at Keimana.

She shook her head slowly.

"He came with Sirus. I had him taken from Atlantis. To the, to the human world. But that was 18 years ago."

Sirus came swimming towards us and stopped a few feet inform of us. The look he gave me mended my broken heart as I saw the obvious love in his gaze.

"I'll leave", Keimana whispered.

"No", I said grabbing her hand. I needed her. She was just as much my rock in our youth as she was now, maybe even more so.

"Salinas", Sirus said.

"You look beautiful".

I looked down squeezing Keimana's hand in my agony. He looked pretty good himself. A little shaken up book just like the old Sirus I knew. And loved.....

"You never married?" he asked looking at me.

I shook my head no looking up at him.

"You", I asked.

"No, but I have a daughter she's ah she's 16, but she's breathed in the gas.

My heart sunk for him.

"Is she here?" I asked him.

"Yeah she's inside".

There was an awkward silence until he broke it.

"Salinas, why did you leave me?"

I looked down again and a tear slipped down my face. I leave him! He knew. We both did.

"You knew as well as I did we couldn't be together. And you took me with you on the surface anyways. I got pregnant Sirus. I gave up a lot more than just you!"

My body rocked with the sobs and tears leaving it. Keimana hugged me and kept me close.

"A-A child", Sirus asked.

I looked up at him again.

"You should know, you have him."

He looked at me as if I was crazy.

"What no, I-I do? I do!". Sirus said his mind racing and thinking.

"Kei", he said.

"I adopted him from the surface I-....", he sunk to the ground and ran his fingers through his hair.

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