Chap-29 The Wedding

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Thanks for reading my story this is probably going to be my favourite chapter lol.

On the with the wedding take your seats!


The occasion hall had been decorated with vast amour of silk lining draping arrows each of the marble pillars enclosing the room. The aisle had been lined with little clams shells half open displaying beautiful lights making the path shine. Each row of chairs had pearls dangling on the outer stone and were decorated with handcrafted stitching displaying the person who would be sitting there. The front of the hall lifted up on an incline giving way to the podium with the bible and rings already sitting on the purple pillow waiting for the ring bearer to get them.

The hall had no ceiling and at the top of each pillar were flowers with kelp streaming down wrapped in lights all around.

Last minute details and ideas were going into play and all of the castle workers were in a whirlwind of tasks and bubbles.

There were three beautifully decorated cakes (one for each couple), displaying figures on top with the likeness of the couples who's cake it was. The cakes each towered five layers tall and just by a glance you could see the hours of work reflected on the beautiful exterior. The girls flowers were already prepared and wrapped in golden ribbons around the blue sea violets.

The royal seamstress was in a flutter lacing each of the girls into their dresses. Their hair had been prepared first along with their makeup.

Alaine's hair was pinned at the sides letting her curls out free. Her crown lied on top with its blue jewels popping her aquamarine eyes out. Her dress was a beautiful pearl white with lace arms and beading all sprouts the hem. At her waist was a blue ribbon tied at the back flowing down all the way to her train.

Kahiau's hair was done completely out with little jewels placed all around her beautiful waves. Her crown was placed directly on top in the fairytale princess way that one would expect. Her dress was a form fitting gown that let out at the bottom. The elegant flow of the dress with her short sleek netted veil was very modern and dramatic giving her a very together and professional look.

Keira's hair was piled on top of her head in a messy yet together bun with two parts of hair on the sides of her face. Her dress was strapless with a sweetheart neckline drawing attention to her chest and diamond necklace which was placed their. Her skirt was very full and her veil went all the way down her back collecting on the floor.

The wedding was due to start in and hour, with all of the noise in the castle one could tell the majority of the guests had arrived.

The boys sported the formal guard uniforms with their swords at their sides and their ranks proudly fastened on their uniform front.

The king and Queen wore the robes and crowns, checking up on any and all details of the wedding. It had to go off without a hitch.

Keira's POV

The nerves in my chest were threatening to show themselves in the form of throwing up if she didn't breath. Alaine and Kahiau were equally as nervous but doing far better jobs of masking it. The seamstress had Kahiau up on the rock messing with her gown to insure the perfect fit whilst Alaine was getting her makeup touched up for the fifth time this morning.

"Girls", Mother gasped swimming into the room. She looked at each of us girls and gave us words of reassurance while we were being worked on.

"Their ready", the workers who had gotten us ready replied. They swam back looking at the finished product of their waxing, shaving, painting and frilling.

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