Chap-22 Suprise, suprise

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We'll just jump right into the chapter.

Keira's POV

Atlantis's troops shone in their gold armour which bore the trident crest on the front. Their chest plates attached at the sides with teal fabric made from ribbon. Each with a golden helmet etched with long live Atlantis.

The chief guard Tanga wore a tunic made from golden coloured material designed with teal buttons and accents. His sword lay at his side holster and his helmet covered only the upper region of his head as opposed to the full mask the troops wore.

Phyllite, Dariens and Collen wore the exact same outfit as Tanga's except their tunic's were teal and their buttons were gold.

"They look hot", Kahiau gushed looking at Dariens.

"They do don't they", I said looking at Phyllite.

"You know guys we look pretty good ourselves", Alaine said shaking her torso and arms around.

The three of us wore golden shells with dramatic aquamarine coloured beads down our arms. Our tiaras bore the Crown Jewels and our hair was draped around them in the front letting our massive curls out in the back.

"We do", I just hope there gonna let us go help. "

I heard my father and mother talking and the way it was going only the men would get to assist.

"Would it be so bad if we didn't ", Alaine said swimming in front of me.

"We should be there. The people should know we're not just gonna stay home and sip seaweed tea all day", Kahiau added.

I smiled at her and she patted me on the back.

"So will just wait here while you ask daddy", Kahiau and Alaine smiled and swam back a few feet.

"Wow guys, I see how it is. What about we all go. He wont deny three sets of seahorse eyes".

They both crossed their arms over their chests and swam forward.

"Yay", I said hugging them.

"Your doing all the talking".

"Fine, whatever let's go."

We swam over to we're King Elikapeca was. Our mother sat on a chair right next to him talking to a bunch of important looking women. Probably the wives of some of the men.

"Daddy", I said taking his hand.

He smiled at me and resumed looking at the map they had.

"Daddy", I said a bit louder.

"We want to come to. It's our duty to help and serve the people".

He moved away from the map and pulled me away.

"Keira, this is no place for a women among our most horrid enemies. Stay home with you mother and sisters."

Alaine and Kahiau swam up and got on both sides of me.

"But we want to daddy, we can handle it." Kahiau put in being a serious as she could.

"You will stay by me the whole time girls, I mean it. No going off or anything. This will be dangerous. We don't know if this was staged or not. Were waiting for Oceana to arrive and Sirus and his daughter. They'll be here soon. "

We three nodded as daddy swam away.

"Are we really sure about this", Alaine asked us.

This was big. Maybe we should stay home.

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