Chapter- 35 For Atlantis, For Makani

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Keira's POV

My purple hair was braided into a French braid down my back strung with gleaming pearls and radiant jewels. My shells were the same glittering titanium ones as the day before as was my tail with the silver and golden designs.

"You look beautiful Keira", Phyllite said he himself wearing his full war attire which consisted of a bronze chest plate and matching helmet.

"I don't feel beautiful", I added placing my crown on my head and fastening it with a few pins.

"Well you are, everything's going to be all right." His neon green eyes bore down into my electric blue ones forcing me to believe.

"I just hope he's safe Phyllite. He's a baby, a baby! Under the protection of someone who has my best friends parents and my godfather killed. I just want Makani."

Turning back into the vanity I looked at my reflection.

Who was this person staring back at me?

I didn't even know.

"Keira", Kahiau's voice called out to me as she swam into the room.

"Kahiau", I gasped looking at her. She looked beautiful as she always did. He hair in a high ponytail her crown holding it together. Her blue trident in her hand.

"Were leaving soon, you ok?" Smiling weakly I nodded swimming over and giving her a hug.

"I'm ready", grabbing my own trident I turned to Phyllite and kissed him. Pulling on my helmet we swam out of the room and down to the entrance of the castle.

I knew one thing for sure.

Kei would die today.

And I would get my baby.

Kei's POV

The beast ripped to shreds the Souless I had released into the pit. The thrashing sound of teeth against bone almost sickened my stomach.

This beast was key to sealing my future. My future with Jules and Matthew.

Closing the pit I swam the mile back to our house wondering what to say for my behaviour last night. Jules has slept with the baby in his nursery leaving me to ponder over my intense outburst.

"Jules", I said seeing her at the stove warming up a bottle.

She didn't say anything.

"Julie please", I said turning her around by her shoulders.

Looking at me her dark eyes gave me the forgiveness I was looking for.

"Where were you?" Kissing her I hoped would make her forget the question but when I pulled back she turned to retrieve the bottle, tested it on her arm and then asked again.

"Out", I said. Swimming past me she went down the hall.

"Where are you going?"

Stopping short without turning around she replied..

"Out", I heard Matthews door open and close as she went inside.

"Women", I muttered attention going to the table were a breakfast was laid out for me. I sat on the chair eating my food and reading the paper when Jules cans out a sling over her chest with a sleeping Matthew inside. She opened the fridge and took out two bottle placing them in the bag on her shoulder.

"What are you doing", I asked when she opened the door.

"Going out, I'll be back later. Enjoy your breakfast." The door slammed shut and I swam to the window watching her swim to the carriage and being up the reins commanding the seahorse to move.

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