Chap-5 Wait....I'm keira??

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Finally regaining my mind I tried to ponder all of these feelings, and emotions whirling through my being.

" Oh lovely, your up", I smiled despite wanting to go cry in a corner. "You must have some questions", she asked while joining me on the couch.

To think..... I had so many questions but now my minds blank.

"Ummmm,", I said aloud trying to think of a question. "My hair, do you know why its purple".

"Hmmm, she says. I though you'd ask something more.......... Nevermind, I really don't know". "Most of the other twins in Atlantis have the same colored hair, I guess ours is purple".

Kahiau sat there proud of her a answer while I was ready to chug a bottle of poison. Those words. Twin, ours. She said them like she meant we were twins. I would know if I had a twin.

"Any others", she asks breaking my thoughts.

"Well, what's wrong with my legs"? "They grow scales"! "My boyfriend dumped me.... I think".,"And I'm over here freakin because I'm turning into.... Into you right before my eyes"!! "So,yes". "I Do have questions".

I stopped realizing I was yelling and crying. Wait... Crying. I'm under water so...... You know what, after today anything is possible.

"You know Keira, I have the solutions to all your problems", I excused myself from my mental pity party and listened to the mermaid/sister/twin or whatever she is.

"First of all your legs are trying to change into a tail like mine", she says motioning to her legs. " I have the influence medicines to help you change, you know since it will be painful and all." "About your boyfriend, you don't need one, you've been betrothed since birth to Prince Seymour of Oceana" "Oceana is our sister kingdom, we've done this for years and since your next in line for the throne....."

I sat their. My jaw literally on the floor of the cave. Kahiau is trying to say that I Alana am betrothed to a prince......SINCE BIRTH... That I'm going to painfully change into a fairytale creature and that I'm next in line for a throne......A THRONE. My life is a mess. That's the best that I can describe it. I went from queen of the waves to freaky fish girl within the week. To think my eighteenth birthday was arriving soon made go into a panic. My birthday is the same time as regionals. Time.....wait time.

"What time is it", I know I dramatically yelled but......really can you blame me....I think not.

"I think its 12:00 am your time, why what's wrong"?

I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, was all my mind could think about. Dad's gonna kill me, I'm never gonna get ungrounded.

"I ugh, I have to go", I stated looking around for and exit of some sort." I felt Kahiau's hand on my own as she turned me to her.

"Where do you wish to be Keira", Keira?? I'm Alana, no time for questions though so I go along with it. "My bedroom please ", I felt and explosion of wind around my body as hand in hand Kahiau and I were blown away. The wind ceased and there we were in my bedroom. As if on cue I get a knock on the door.

"Alana, oh who's your friend"?

I stood there shocked that we were just in an underwater cave and now here we are in my bedroom.

"I'm Kahiau sir", replied the mermaid girl. "We a met awhile ago when I dyed Keir- I mean Alana's hair.

Wow she's smooth I guess kids being sneaky is not just a human trait.

"Oh ok", says my dad. "Alaine is coming up in a few, night girls"

Finally he left and I heard the frantic steps of Alaine running down the hall.  Bursting through the door she spotted Kahiau.

"Oh my", she states looking between kahiau and me.

I gave her a i-know-right look as she then focused her gaze on the mermaid girl.

Finally breaking the silence Alaine asks, "Are you,........are you two twins".

I nodded towards Alaine. Hardly be living it myself. We all piled on my bed and Kahiau explained everything to Alaine. Her face in the end was beyond belief. She is the kinda girl to have to see before beliveing, but boy was she believing every word that Kahiau explained. I let my mind wander and I heard the slam of my door. Quickly looking up I saw Alaine and Kahiau running into my bathroom. I stood up and warily I walked into my bathroom, to my shock Alaine had a tail and Kahiau had her tail.

"What the, no this can not be, what in the world", I stood their looking at Alaine's mostly pink and swirled with silver and gold tail, then looked to Kahiau whose tail was purple with gold and beautiful designs all around it.

"No worries", said Alaine. "Kahiau gave me her necklace, I can be a mermaid whenever". How can she be excited about that. She is a fish girl. A FISH GIRL. And she was happily flapping the tail around in my bathtub.

"Don't worry Keira, Kahiau said. "I came here because I thought with you being somewhere familiar you can change easier"

I just stood their. In the doorway of my bathroom. What did she not understand. I'm a human. Not a fish. I don't want to be queen, I don't want to be betrothed. I want my boyfriend back. I want my legs back. I want to as surf regionals. I want my life back. I didn't realize I was crying until Alaine walked over to me and hugged me. A minture or two later Kahiau came and hugged me. How could this feel so wrong, but right all at the same time. Why did I already love Kahiau like I've known her for years. Maybe.... Maybe she's right. I don't know, but I care. I mean obviously this is real.

"Kahiau",I asked. The three of us still in a hug. "Tell me my birth story".

She smiled at me. And lead us to my bed.

"Gladly Keira, gladly". And with that she began the story.

How was that. Looks like Alana (aka) Keira is finally opening up to this whole mermaid idea.

Stay tuned

Hugs and kisses

Until next time

My friends

Buh-bye now!!!!!!!!!

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