Chap-2 No boyfriends dear

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Picture of what I kinda the cover to be but I'm no electronic whiz and the cropping was acting crazy sooooooo yeah let me get on with the chapter haha. (I could ramble forever)

* 11 years later. (Alana is 17) *

"Kalani", kei whispered while the teacher's back was turned. "Pass this to Alana".

"Ok", Kalani whispered while quickley passing the note to Aolani and giving him the same instructions Kei gave her.

"Alana", Aolani whispered tapping on her shoulder.

He gave her the note and she hid it from view of their teacher while reading it.

Meet me after class, I gotta ask you something
- Kei

I glanced over towards Kei to find he was already staring.

"Ok", I mouthed and focused on the teacher. Well at least tried to focus. My heart was beating I mean why would he want to meet me after class.

I turned in my seat back to my best friend Alaine and handed her the note while quickly turning around in my seat to avoid getting in trouble.

"Awww", she gasped so loudly that the whole class turned around and looked at her.

I could feel my cheeks burning which only met my face was red. And by the feeling of the burning my face was getting redder and redder.

"Is their a problem miss Alaine", Mrs. Wiper asked.

Looking towards the clock to see how much time was left in class Alaine then smugly glanced back at the teacher.

"Ohh nothing 20 minutes won't take care of".

Giving Alaine a final glare Mrs. Wiper turned around and continued writing on the board.

"Really Alaine", I thought to myself. Then copied down the notes to take my mind off of Kei.

Time seemed to taunt me and take freaking forever to go by. Finally the glorious bell rang and everyone gathered their things and headed out the door. Well everyone except Alaine, Kei and I. ( That rhymes you guys lol). With a final wink from Alaine it was just kei and I.

"Can I umm drive you home", Kei asked.

"Sure", I smiled literally freaking out on the inside.

"Let me just text Alaine first". I said still about to blow from all the happiness rising in me.

Hey meet me at my house Kei's driving me home
- Alana

K girl. Must tell all when you get home!!
- Alaine

I chuckled lightly to myself.

"Ready", I said to Kei.

"Great", he exclaimed taking my hand and leading me out of the classroom.

I don't even know how I'm still standing right now ahhh I'm so happy.

"My trucks just over their", he says motioning to his truck.

I smiled at him and squeezed his hand. He returned the favor and my cheeks literally burst into flames. We arrived at his truck and he opened the door for me to get in.

"What a gentlemen" I teased him.

"I try", he smiled to me while closing my door.

He hurried over to the other side and got in. He sat there a moment in deep thought and finally turned to me.

"Alana", he asked clearly nervous.

"Yes kei", I replied quite normally.

Or how I hoped was normally.

"I was ahh, wondering if you I mean if you want, that maybe we could,........"

Silence began to take hold as Kei seemed at a loss of what to say. I literally dreamed of this moment for so long. Nothing was going to prevent it now that this was actually happening. He just needed to get his nerves in check.

"You can tell me Kei", I said assuring him.

"Well, I've known you since the three year old surfing class and now were seniors, listen I like you Alana. I really do. Will you be my girlfriend"?

There I was. In Kei's truck. Being asked to be his girl friend. What a day. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Kei who was ruffling his hair nervously.

"Kei, I'd love to".

"Really", he exhaled a breath he didn't even know was being held in.

"Yeah, really". I replied. "I happen to have liked you for a while now to". "Not meaning to cut the moment short but my dad is expecting me".

"Oh, ok. Yeah, no problem". I'll get you home now". I laughed again but this time out loud.

"What", kei asked.

"It's just I wouldn't expect you to be nervous is all"

"Oh, well you make me feel things Alana." "I really do like you a lot".

I smiled at him and looked down at my phone.

Dad(12 messages)
Were are you?? Alaine is here already.

Alaine(24 messages)
Girllllll details like nowwwww

I laughed and replied to the both of them. Gosh life was cracking me up today.

I'll be home soon no worries

Ahhhh!!!!!!! My dreams come true!!!
-Alana(to Alaine)

"Wow", a dream come true huh". A smug looking Kei said to me.

"I see you waste no time returning to your cocky ways".

We pulled in to my drive way were Alaine was there sitting on the back of her car.

"We better say goodbye in here because I have a feeling Alaine will be dragging me away".

With a quick hug I got out of Kei's truck and walked up my driveway.

"Tell me nowwwwww", Alaine said pulling me into my house.

"Can't I wait until after surf practice." "We have regionals soon and........."

"No we most certainly can not." "Tell me about your date right now". I knew there was no avoiding this.

"Afternoon", my father says while walking down the stairs. "What's all the yelling about".

Quickly Alaine answered. "Alana won't tell me about her date"

"Date"!?!?!?! "Alona, you know good and well that". He started to say before I stomped down the hall.

"Ughhh". My day has went from super to crap in like what ten minutes. I flopped onto my bed while I heard the door close.

"Go away dad, I really don't feel like talking right now". I mumbled still face down on the bed."

"Ahhhhh", I heard Alaine scream.

"What", I yelled while shooting up from the bed.

I looked to see her backed against the wall pointing at me.

"Y-your h-hair, its glo-glowing.

I ran to my bathroom and looked into the mirror. Sure enough my hair was levitating around my head and glowing a light purplish hue.

What's up with her hair????



Two updates one day. I'm on a roll!

Until next time my friends!!!!!!

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